Elite 8 Edition

5 min readJul 22, 2020

Sasquatch (1) 2–0 Bestpinoza (17)

Game 1 MVP
Mercii (8–5–28 pos. 4 Sand King)
The 1st pick SK got flexed to the 4 position and Mercii made it work extremely well as the 4 position put up 84% kill participation as well as putting up the 2nd highest damage total on his team, behind the 14–0 Anti-Mage from Sasquatch. Otherwise, this was a fairly straightforward game for the Sasquatch team as they controlled the flow of the game throughout.
Game 2 MVP
Sasquatch (12–6–16 pos. 2 Arc Warden)
I really didn’t want to give Sas this because of his hero (virg lol), but hard to justify not giving him MVP for game 1 when he doubles up the next highest damage dealer on his team as well as leading the server in most statistical categories. Game 2 went much like game 1 except the Bestpinoza team came out of lanes much better, but immediately lost a disastrous teamfight at the 10 minute mark and never quite recovered from it.

Trav2s (2) 2–0 Dark (7)

Game 1 MVP
Mirage (19–0–3 pos. 2 Morphling)
This was very unfortunate for Jerracabra because he asked throughout the draft multiple times to pick him morphling and to play it instead of another carry hero. While we eventually drafted morph, a last pick batrider forced Mirage onto the Morphling, while unfortunate for Jerry, Mirage paid him back with a flawless 19–0 game. Mirage ended up absolutely snowballing out of the midlane and ended up just eating the ass of any support that decided to show on the map, racking up 10 support kills throughout the match that ended up being a 27 minute stomp.

Imagine trying to highground against this.

Game 2 MVP
Mirage (14–6–14 pos. 2 Dazzle)
I’m sure Mirage’s 52.3k healing is an RD2L record. He added over 90k hero damage ontop of that and was a key cog in the Trav2s team being able to break highground against this hellish lineup out of the Dark team that was highlighted with Dark’s 25–8–13 Arc Warden that put up a ridiculous 188k hero damage in a 78 minute marathon game 2. While the Dark team was very 1 core centric, the Trav2s draft was fairly well balanced as Jerracabra and ghost had solid games on Ursa and Sand King respectively, but the sustain Mirage’s dazzle brought was the decisive factor in the game 2 and series victory.

Lala (3) 2–1 Logical (7)

Game 1 MVP
EmperorOfAsia (12–2–15 pos. 1 Wraith King)
While Lala’s 16–3 Storm Spirit was a definitely impressive showing, the Logical team had no answers for EmpOfAsia’s WK as he was unkillable in the 2nd half of the game as his second death came at just the 25th minute in a match that lasted 64 minutes. Much like the Dark Arc Warden, Logical was unable to 1v5 and eventually lost an hour long game.

The Cursed V….

Game 2 MVP
Logical (19–2–21 pos. 1 Anti-Mage)
Unlike game 1, game 2 Logical was definitely able to 1v5 as his AM went godlike this game en route to a nerve wracking game 2 to tie up the series. The Lala offlane combined for 0–11 at 10 minutes, with the majority of those deaths going to Logical who used that momentum in laning phase to dominate the mid game and eventually close out the game despite some throws in the late game.
Game 3 MVP
Luchs (4–2–24 pos. 4 Mirana) and Sum Andicus (4–7–14 pos. 5 Jakiro)
I couldn’t give this to just Luchs or just Sum Andicus, but I had to give this to the support duo despite a huge EmperorOfAsia performance as well as solid contributions from Forn and Lala. The Lala team supports played at an extremely high level as they chained their stuns well throughout the match and had a game changing dual kill on the Logical void, with Luchs chaining a 5 second arrow with Jakiro’s ice path to kill the carry (to be fair Lala stole the kill) Otherwise, the Lala team had control of the game 3 throughout and was able to eventually break the high ground after a rough teamfight from Logical team that saw a bit of a fucky chrono+Mar’s ult combo push EmpOfAsia out of a Logical chrono.

Matieu (4) 2–1 Fume (5)

Game 1 MVP
Harbinger (16–4–6 pos. 2 Clinkz)
Keeping the trend going, the Matieu stack shut down another Arc Warden as Bitterra was unable to fully come online and the Fume stack was defeated by 37 minutes. Impressively, Harbinger outdamaged his radiance spectre in the 37 minute win and put up over half of his teams total kills.
Game 2 MVP
Fume (13–1–7 pos. 1 Sven)
Much like game 1, the Fume team was able to take control of the mid game post laning phase, but instead of throwing their advantage like in game 1, they were able to hold their lead and use that to grab a quick 30 minute win. Unfortunately, Fume was 1 kill shy of grabbing over 50% of his teams total kills, but still was a tank this game and lead the server in most categories as his team tied up the series at 1.
Game 3 MVP
Harbinger (13–1–11 pos. 2 Nature’s Prophet)
Saving his best dota for the playoffs, the 2nd pick midlaner had a ridiculous game 3 as he completely shut down the last pick venomancer from the Fume stack. The Matieu stack stomped game 3 and was able to finish the series in a 24 minute win.

DrSteel (8) 2–1 ColonelSquid (9)

Game 1 MVP
Ticket your games :)
Game 2 MVP
Jah (20–0–12 pos. 1 Anti-Mage)
There’s not really much else to say about this game. Jah got a TWELVE minute battle fury-treads and completely snowballed this game. ColonelSquid had an impressive game himself as he put up a 16 kill void spirit performance, but it wasn’t enough for me to not give Jah MVP for their game 2 equalizer.
Game 3 MVP
HullCity07 (9–4–16 pos. 3 Axe)
Unfortunately I’m stuck here writing about this, but yes Hull did have a great game 3 and was the key cog in his teams series win. What looked like another vintage “Give me x hero, it’s one of my best” from Hull, especially when it would be combined with a role change putting him on pos 3 and would see him going into chain feed “space making” Hull. This time ended up not being one of those times where he actually managed to dominate the match with some key calls on Squid’s Void Spirit as well as Jah’s Anti-Mage. The game 3 saw the Squid team try to run back their lineup from their game 2 stomp, but the DrSteel stack adapted perfectly and changed their lineup to better deal with the Squid team as they won the game 3 fairly convincingly.




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