EST-SUN MVPs and Predictions
Pishtya 1–1 Logical
Game 1 MVP
Fury (12–1–20 pos. 2 Queen of Pain)
Giving the nod to Fury over Logical here due to his lack of deaths, but they both had a super solid showing in the battle of the top 2 EST SUN teams. The whole team had a solid showing, in a fairly 1 sided game 1.
Game 2 MVP
Pishtya (11–0–20 pos. 2 Gyrocopter)
In an equally 1 sided game 2, the captain had a flawless mid gyro performance. Had a quick 30 minute bkb-treads-yasha-aghs to carry his team to a win.
CC 0–2 Lala
Game 1 MVP
EmperorOfAsia (5–1–7 pos. 1 Gyrocopter)
Continuing with his solid string of performances, EmperorOfAsia played a solid gyro in an up and down game 1 win. All 3 cores from Lala team had a solid match as they continue to perform well as a team.
Game 2 MVP
Lala (10–1–13 pos. 2 Kunkka)
Really steadied the boat for his team as the radiant team snatched defeat from the jaws of victory, losing a 15k networth advantage at ~22 minutes to lose by minute 31. Was able to make space for his gyro to farm after a rough laning stage, allowing his pos 1 to get back into the game and carry them in the mid-late game.
Ecl9ipse 1–1 Sasquatch
Game 1 MVP
Skkip (26–6–23 pos. 2 Monkey King)
Really put the team on his back doe. Had one of the most impressive performances of the week in game 1, carrying his team to a 70+ minute game. Dealt a total of 110k hero damage over the course of the game.
Game 2 MVP
Sasquatch (19–3–10 pos. 2 Anti-Mage)
Got stuck with having to play into a 22 pick batrider and still managed to get himself a respectable 16 minute battlefury-treads.
Econ 2–0 ColonelSquid
Game 1 MVP
Stang (9–0–15 pos. 2 Queen of Pain)
The entire team put in a solid performance, but big props to Stang for dealing with a 22 pick meepo and coming out with a flawless QoP performance.
Game 2 MVP
Jah (9–4–3 pos. 1 Ember Spirit)
Jah was almost the entire reason as to why this game took 40 minutes and wasn’t just a quick 20 minute 2–0 for Econ team. Accounted for 9 of the 11 kills his tricore had in the game and dealt the most damage in the server. Shout out to Stang once again for an equally impressive game 2 on his Templar Assassin.
Trav2s 2–0 Mu
Game 1 MVP
Mirage (13–3–10 pos. 2 Outworld Devourer)
Managed to make OD work in the current patch. Very impressive. Did well to make enough space to allow his Luna to farm herself back into the game after a rough laning phase.
Game 2 MVP
Mirage (20–2–6 pos. 2 Invoker)
Got a quick aghs in order to take advantage of his teams heavy team fight lineup that included a Dark Seer, Warlock, and Earth Shaker. Otherwise absolutely put in work and was the linchpin for his team’s game 2 win.
Matieu 1–1 BobbyPMA
Game 1 MVP
Bloo (5–4–22 pos. 4 Clockwerk)
Together with Filski’s Night Stalker and Harbinger’s batrider, the trio were able to create enough chaos on the map to allow their Gyrocopter to farm in peace so he can eventually carry them in the late game.
Game 2 MVP
Noobish (15–5–12 pos. 1 Troll Warlord)
Carried the game into the ultra late game despite having a fairly rough laning experience where he died 3 times pre 10 minutes despite grabbing a few kills for himself in the lane.
W.Stealer 1–1 Rusy
Game 1 MVP
W.Stealer (7–0–8 pos. 1 Necrophos)
Became the early game raid boss after winning his lane and picking up a 15 minute radiance, allowing them to push and end the game in a quick 25 minutes.
Game 2 MVP
Rusy (7–4–16 pos. 1 Luna)
Not to be outdone by the other captain, Rusy put up a big game 2 that included 464 last hits in a 38 minute win. The game lasted longer than game 1, but once the Luna’s bkb was online the game was all but over for dire.
Envi 2–0 agony
Game 1 MVP
Zamolxes (16–5–17 pos. 2 Queen of Pain)
Put up an impressive, and game high, 72k hero damage to help his team claw themselves to a 63 minute game 1 win.
Game 2 MVP
Zamolxes (6–1–13 pos. 2 Alchemist)
In a much easier game for Envi team, Zamo got a 22 pick Alchemist and had a fairly free game, getting himself a 20 minute AC-BKB-Radiance. The Envi stack was able to slowly choke the agony Anti-Mage off the map for the win.
USDanny 2–0 Kira
Game 1 MVP
Rice Boi (15–3–11 pos. 2 Zeus)
Avoided venturing down the aqua road, shutting down his Shadow Fiend and putting up a solid game 1. Had 50k hero damage in a 29 minute match including a ridiculous 86% kill participation.
Game 2 MVP
jd (9–1–15 pos. 3 Nature’s Prophet)
Somehow got his NP in back to back games even after putting up an impressive game 1. For game 2 jd was warmed up and had an even more impressive game 2 as his team dominated Kira team for a quick 2–0.
DrSteel 1–1 Reedy
Game 1 MVP
HullCity07 (8–5–25 pos. 4 Pangolier)
Unfortunately a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while and HullCity managed to finally positively impact a game for his team. Tactically fed only 5 times and tanked all the spells so that his cores could carry him to a game 1 win. Will note that he DID do less damage than his position 5 Chupacabraj Ogre Magi.
Game 2 MVP
Perplexed (11–4–20 pos. 5 Lich)
Fuck you Sonnegod and your ridiculous 12–3–21 Juggernaut game, the pos 5 gets the glory this week. Put up more kills, less deaths, and more assists than his immortal offlaner and together with Imphatic’s Grimstroke really put their team in position to win game 2 and even up the series.
DJ Dingus 1–1 IceYeti
Game 1 MVP
DJ Dingus (17–3–13 pos. 1 Riki)
Game 1 was more or less a complete stomp, but I cannot not give the MVP to the carry when he gets a 21 minute battlefury+diffusal and gets 17 kills.
Game 2 MVP
Iceyeti (14–2–13 pos. 1 Wraith King)
The big noober managed to finally get a game of WK and didn’t disappoint. The Izumi kunkka did his part to create space and keep their team in the game as yeti farmed up. Once yeti got online the game quickly tilted in their favor and they closed it out just before the 40 minute mark.
Game 1 MVP
FrenZyy (9–8–22 pos. 2 Queen of Pain)
Unfortunately didn’t pull out the mask of madness for this QoP game, but did lead the server in damage and made enough space around the map along with the agile NP for their lineup to deathball down a lane after a thrown fight from the corndog team.
Game 2 MVP
Kende (17–4–16 pos. 1 Weaver)
Had a very free weaver game as long as he avoided a puck+willow combo and judging from his scoreline I’d say he did well in avoiding that. Absolutely bullied the offlane tusk in lane and was able to get a quick 25 minute bkb+sny to carry the game for his team.
Dark 1–1 7EMPEST
Game 1 MVP
Aeon (5–2–0 pos. 1 Phantom Lancer)
The Dark team gg’d out at 16 minutes after losing back to back team fights, but a big reason for that was the PL shutting down the offlane of Dark team and getting a 15 minute diffusal-yasha before the gg call.
Game 2 MVP
Dark (13–1–10 pos. 1 Phantom Lancer)
Not to be outdone by the Aeon PL, Dark had a completely free game, only dying once while fighting after picking up a 12 minute diffusal blade.
Quantum Jojo 1–1 thamaestro
Game 1 MVP
Panda (11–5–11 pos. 4 Phoenix)
Putting in another big burd performance, Panda managed to be apart of 80% of his teams kills while putting up the 3rd highest hero damage on his team.
Game 2 MVP
Freightrain (15–2–14 pos. 2 Viper)
Despite picking Viper (virg lol), the StankTrain put in another man mode performance, carrying his team to a game 2 win to even up the series. While dealing almost 15k more damage than the next highest in the game, he picked up the slack while his pos. 1 had to recover after a rough lane.
doss 1–1 Fume
Game 1 MVP
Bitterra (9–4–10 pos. 2 Arc Warden)
Despite having last pick and being able to counter the Chester Huskar, Bitterra still did a great job shutting him down and not allowing him to stomp an rd2l match with his signature hero. Took his momentum after laning phase and put up a massive 61k hero damage.
Game 2 MVP
doss (13–4–13 pos. 1 Naga Siren)
Had the luxury of Chester making space on his Clinkz, but still was asked upon to carry the load into the late game and answered the call.
bearcat0611 1–1 Wizard of Chaos
Game 1 MVP
Charbz (10–5–21 pos. 3 Centaur Warrunner)
Overcame a catastrophic back to back death between 12 and 13 minutes in order to become the front liner his team needed for Alpha to dump in damage in fights on his Shadow Fiend.
Game 2 MVP
Eliterock (13–3–16 pos. 1 Luna)
Standing in for Shmurda, Erock put in a big boy performance on Luna, somehow finding enough space to farm after their lanes all lost.
Brightside 1–1 Captain Pepega
Game 1 MVP
Gentleman Bastard (12–3–15 pos. 1 Phantom Assassin)
Did PA things and pressed q, got some crits, pressed q some more. Was able to get some help from the Brightside Leshrac and Kizu Mars making him space as well as a helping hand from lord gaben, picking up an orb of destruction late into the game.
Game 2 MVP
Wax (13–1–18 pos. 2 Void Spirit)
Won his lane and then proceeded to completely take over the game. Was the ultimate space maker for the Pkoq spectre to farm up and carry the late game.
Voldrox 1–1 The Clamburglar
Game 1 MVP
Voldrox (6–3–37 pos. 4 Sniper)
Voldrox once again having insane game impact from the 4 position. Was involved in a ridiculous 93% (43/46)of his team’s kills in a 53 minute game.
Game 2 MVP
Lyk0sTv (11–0–12 pos. 2 Alchemist)
Had an absolutely free game despite 21 picking Alch. Got an ridiculous 27 minute abyssal-bkb-manta-radiance and carried his team to a game 2 equalizer.
Bestpinoza 1–1 goatsatan
Game 1 MVP
Buying Onions (14–4–21 pos. 1 Zeus)
I do not care that he played Zeus, this man put up 158k hero damage AND played carry Zeus. That is absolutely epic, despite losing.
Game 2 MVP
FooSquash (13–1–16 pos. 2 Timbersaw)
Became the typical unkillable brick in the middle of fights causing chaos and shitting out damage. Helped his safelaner find some space and jungle in peace after their offlane had a rough lane.
Calamity 1–1 avgpeen
Game 1 MVP
Gotne (20–4–10 pos. 1 Chaos Knight)
Took full advantage of the space that Sickboy’s Skywrath Mage made and became an unkillable carry that can 1 shot the other teams supports.
Game 2 MVP
Vinny (15–8–9 pos. 1 Clinkz)
Overcame a few midgame deaths to help his team come back in the series and even it at 1. Picked up a fairly early rapier and more or less destroyed all of Calamity team’s buildings immediately after.
AcidRain 1–1 Sebastian
Game 1 MVP
Game 2 MVP
Minicolt (17–0–7 pos. 1 Lone Druid)
Just like his brother, Minicolt needs to put up at least 1 absolute 1v5 this season in his series. Giving him LD in rd2l is probably a mistake.
BMTS 0–2 Tiramisu
Week 4 Predictions
Everyone decided to 1–1 this past week. Of the games that actually had a team win both games, I predicted 5/6 of the series correct, but adding all the 1–1’s, I went 5/22. Yikes.
Lala 2–0 Sasquatch
Pishtya 2–0 Econ
Logical 2–0 CC
Ecl9ipse 0–2 Trav2s
Envi 2–0 ColonelSquid
USDanny 2–0 BobbyPMA
FrenZyy 2–0 Matieu
W.Stealer 0–2 thamaestro
DJ Dingus 0–2 Rusy
Mu 2–0 Iceyeti
bearcat0611 0–2 7EMPEST
Dark 2–0 DrSteel
Reedy 2–0 The Clamburglar
Wizard of Chaos 0–2 doss
Quantum Jojo 0–2 Fume
agony 0–2 Bestpinoza
Kira 0–2 Brightside
Voldrox 0–2 goatsatan
Captain Pepega 2–0 Tiramisu
Calamity 0–2 Sebastian
avgpeen 2–0 BYE