Sasquatch 1–1 Fume
Game 1 MVP
Coahre (12–2–15 pos. 3 Nature’s Prophet)
In a fairly 1 sided game 1, the Sas team took the game in 35 minutes despite a few throwy team fights behind Coahre’s NP and Sas’s Naga (virg). As a team did well to hold off the Bitterra Lone Druid.
Game 2 MVP
Teja (11–4–19 pos. 3 Tidehunter)
Much like game 1, although the winning team held the networth advantage throughout the game, there was a lot of swings. Noticeably the nearly 6k swing at 24 minutes following a 4 man wipe of the Fume team. However, they recovered and pushed through to even up the series at 1. Teja contributed to 86% of his teams kills, leading me to assume there were no Subject 0 man tide ults this game.
Trav2s 1–1 Matieu
Game 1 MVP
Filski (13–1–18 pos. 3 Abaddon)
This game was miserable to play. Between this idiot, Matieu on Wraith King, and Sexysteve on Wyvern NO ONE DIED. GAAAAAAAAAAAA. Unfortunately, Trav2s team fed one too many times and Mirage’s Anti-Mage was unable to 1v10, although did almost win the game off a base race attempt.
Game 2 MVP
Ghost (4–1–15 pos. 3 Abaddon)
Fuck this dumb hero and this dumb game. Will give a special shoutout to Volvo for allowing this dumb blademail bug into the game so I can watch Bloo hit a 3 man echo slam and 100->0 himself off unused blademails.
Logical 1–1 Dark
Game 1 MVP
Logical (11–2–5 pos. 1 Tiny)
Almost had 50% of his teams total kills, grabbing 11 of 23. Also not sure if Logical drafts, but Rusty, their pos 4, played VENOMANCER like an absolute giga chad. Was an other wise 1 sided affair outside of a 11k networth swing at 29 minutes, but the Logical stack recovered and closed out the game for the game 1 win.
Game 2 MVP
Dark (11–0–3 pos. 1 Chaos Knight)
Not much to add here, Logical team drafted pos. 1 wisp, pos. 3 Pudge, pos. 5 Clinkz and lost in 18 minutes.
Lala 2–0 thamaestro
Game 1 MVP
Lala (16–0–7 pos. 2 Ursa)
Aptly named “I got this” on steam at the moment, the captain himself put his team on his back, albeit on a fairly busted Ursa hero, to grab a quick game 1 after a rough week 7.
Game 2 MVP
Luchs (7–5–30 pos. 4 Jakiro)
The newest member of the Lala team makes a big impact in his first series, backended by a huge jakiro performance. Dealt a fat 41k damage as well as ended the game legitimately 7 slotted as he ate an aghs. Lala team took game 2 in a long 70 minute game, but held a 20k networth advantage for over 40 minutes of the game.
W.Stealer 1–1 ColonelSquid
Game 1 MVP
Jah (12–4–16 pos. 1 Nature’s Prophet)
The W.Stealer stack thought they could sneak a Dbashore NP through the draft without it falling into Jah’s hands. Unfortunately for them, the Squid stack had 1st pick and Jah made them pay for their greediness in the draft as he carried game 1, almost doubling up the next highest damage dealer on his team in a rough game 1 for them as they recovered from a 16k networth disadvantage at 31 minutes to win.
Game 2 MVP
Dbashore18 (5–1–15 pos. 3 Nature’s Prophet)
The W.Stealer stack proving that 3 NP > 1 NP as they took game 2 in a complete stomp. Somehow taking 28 whole minutes, they put up a 29–3 scoreline as they ran away with it to even up the series at 1.
Pishtya 1–1 BobbyPMA
Game 1 MVP
Happyhobo (18–4–27 pos. 3 Brewmaster)
The immortal 1st pick putting up his best performance of the season thus far a week before playoffs. Dealt a clean 60k damage as he muscled his team to a game 1 comeback win.
Game 2 MVP
KILLAYOUA (12–3–17 pos. 1 Juggernaut)
Had the pleasure of casting this game and honestly most of Pishtya team was solid this game and it was hard to choose an MVP here. Watching jugg buy 3/4 of an aghs+the synth recipe and then immediately die without buy back definitely made choosing this harder, but in the end I can’t deny the scoreline and stats.
Econ 0–2 Captain Pepega
Game 1 MVP
Wax (15–3–10 pos. 2 Void Spirit)
Wax continues his tear throughout EST-SUN the past few weeks with another huge series here as his team took both games. Coming back from a nearly 10k networth disadvantage, the Captain Pepega team was able to buy enough time for the PkOq spectre to come online.
Game 2 MVP
PkOq (4–2–9 pos. 1 Troll Warlord)
PkOq was stuck between a rock and a hard place this game as he had to choose between laning against Style’s Timbersaw or the Miyushi+Double King lane. Despite this, PkOq managed very strong item timings and his team was able to close out game 2 in 32 minutes.
DrSteel 2–0 CC
Game 1 MVP
Camelfarmer (20–1–10 pos. 2 Windranger)
This one was pretty easy to give out as the DrSteel team pulled out the classic 2k ogre-weaver-luna-jugg-wind lineup and their wind was a 6k smurf who 1v5'd for them. This wasn’t a complete 1v5, but Camelfarmer definitely pulled more than his fair share of the weight as they took game 1 just shy of the 40 minute mark.
Game 2 MVP
HullCity21 (10–5–26 pos. 4 Void Spirit)
Despite trying my hardest, couldn’t actually justify not giving HullCity the MVP for a massive game 2 as he lead his team in kill participation as well as damage from the 4 position. His team took the series in a convincing 2–0, continuing their strong run of form before playoffs.
Game 1 MVP
USDanny (4–8–26 pos. 5 Lich)
Despite their standin going 16–0, I don’t give MVP’s to standins, and USDanny had himself a game as he contributed to 75% of his teams kills as his team took a quick 30 minute game 1 win. 8 total blademails were purchased this game.
Game 2 MVP
Rice Boi (17–2–12 pos. 2 Storm Spirit)
The vaunted Rice Boi storm came out in game 2 and he showed out in an absolute brawl of a game 2. With 75 combined kills, the 2 teams completely bludgeoned themselves until the USDanny team was the only one left standing, ending the game at the 35 minute mark. You know playoffs are soon when Rice Boi is buying BKB before he’s 5 slotted.
Life MVP
Congrats on the engagement!! :)
Alpha 1–1 Mu
Game 1 MVP
Longoria (15–3–7 pos. 1 Ursa)
Ursa gameplay zzzz. Held off a QUESTIONABLE offlane broodmother en route to a dominant game 1 performance. With a lot of ups and downs in networth, the Mu stack was able to pull out a 47 minute game 1 win, solidifying their spot in playoffs.
Game 2 MVP
Ticket your matches
Envi 0–2 AcidRain
Game 1 MVP
Target (7–5–15 pos. 2 Nature’s Prophet)
Came out on the winning side in the all green mid matchup as Zamolxes pulled out a 22 viper. In a rare occurrence, Target backed up his talk as his team managed to 2–0 the Envi stack and end their playoff hopes.
Game 2 MVP
Thundtard (16–2–14 pos. 1 Slark)
Had his teammates back with an impressive game 2 carry as the normal “Target shittalks and gets spanked” reared its ugly head as the aptly named “visage main” got a 23 pick visage and proceeded to put up a 4–8 scoreline. Luckily for Target, Thundtard got his back with an extremely impressive slark performance despite having to play against a magic burst heavy lineup as well as a faceless void coming out from the Envi team.
DJ Dingus 0–2 Bestpinoza
Game 1 MVP
Gio (16–4–11 pos. 2 Viper)
Despite being a dirty viper picker, Gio had a huge game 1 as he lead his team, and the server, in damage and kills. In a rare feat for an rd2l match, neither team held a networth lead higher than 5k, even as the Bestpinoza team killed the throne at the 30 minute mark.
Game 2 MVP
/apex (14–1–11 pos. 1 Naga Siren)
Continuing the trend of picking giga virgin heroes, /apex put on his big boy pants for this game 2 win as he had a near flawless performance on naga. Unfortunately, /apex doesn’t care much for keeping the flawless KDA as he died after grabbing megas right before the game ended.
doss 1–1 avgpeen
Game 1 MVP
RedondO (7–4–24 pos. 3 Clockwerk)
Nepotism? Perhaps, but an impressive performance regardless. The entire doss team put up a strong performance as they pulled out a game 1 win that included a 10k networth swing in 1 minute at the 31 minute mark. Have to add the props for the blink dagger on clock because sometimes hitting hook shot is a bit too hard smiley face.
Game 2 MVP
Ticket your games
Ecl9ipse 0–2 Wizard of Chaos
Game 1 MVP
Wizard of Chaos (11–4–21 pos. 3 Night Stalker)
The literal ape himself did literal ape things, as his team clawed its way to 1 game away from playoffs after a game 1 win. This was another tough MVP to call though as the tricore of Wizard, Mattador, and Shmurda all put up impressive performances as their team inched by in a 50 minute win where they won while being behind in net worth.
Game 2 MVP
Alaska (6–1–27 pos. 4 Zeus)
In another tough MVP to give out, Alaska edged out Shmurda, who had a flawless 11–0–11 Faceless Void performance, for me. In a polar opposite game from game 1, the Wizard stack dominated the game and completely shut down the Skkip slark as they managed to get themselves into playoffs with a 2–0.
FrenZyy 2–0 The Clamburglar
Game 1 MVP
LoneWolf (8–7–36 pos. 4 Snapfire)
In another marathon game for the Clamburglar team, they find themselves on the losing end here, no thanks to strong performances from agile and LoneWolf. Both agile and LoneWolf put up 80% kill participation and had monster performances for the game 1 win.
Game 2 MVP
FrenZyy (14–3–6 pos. 2 Arc Warden)
This patch was a massive buff to FrenZyy as the other team didn’t ban out his Arc and he was able to 1st phase it after they removed 2 of the 1st phase bans. Despite getting immediately counter picked by an 8th pick Alchemist, the boomer stack pulled out another close game as they did inevitably run into alchemist problems, who managed to end the game above 1,000 GPM.
Rusy 1–1 Brightside
Game 1 MVP
Remster (10–1–7 pos. 1 Terrorblade)
Despite Rusy having just over 90% kill participation and turkey having just under 90%, Remster edged the 2 of them out as he managed to jungle his way to a 766 GPM game despite having to lane into a very rough beastmaster+rubick combo. Remster also led his team in kills and damage in a fairly 1 sided game 1 win.
Game 2 MVP
Gentleman Bastard (21–3–6 pos. 1 Ursa)
Despite his playoff hopes being lost with a game 1 loss, the carry went out on a high note as he put up one of his best performances of the season. With the burden of the Brightside mid raptor, Gentleman Bastard led his team in all statistical categories other than assists because assists are for nerds like Brightside. The Rusy team unfortunately missed out on playoffs as Gentleman Bastard played spoiler.
goatsatan 2–0 Iceyeti
Game 1 MVP
FooSquash (16–4–9 pos. 1 Drow Ranger)
Despite a little bit of some early feeding thanks to a rough midgame timing from the Iceyeti team around the blink on axe as well as having a core Earth Spirit, allowing them to jump the drow with ease, FooSquash was able to find enough space to grab a few items and eventually was able to deathball down a lane for a 35 minute game 1 win.
Game 2 MVP
Ticket your matches
Reedy 2–0 Voldrox
Game 1 MVP
Perplexed (6–8–27 pos. 5 Lich)
This man out damaged all of the heroes from the enemy team as a position 5. Despite a 17–4–20 performance out of Sonnegod and a 19 kill game from Reedy, I cannot NOT give MVP to the 3rd highest damage dealer in the game, a position 5 Lich. Grim+Lich is always viable in RD2L people.
Game 2 MVP
Voldrox team forfeited
Quantum Jojo 0–2 Sebastian
Game 1 MVP
Minicolt (12–1–15 pos. 1 Riki)
Despite a rough season as a team, gotta feel nice for Minicolt going out on a 2–0 over his brother. Added another feather to his cap full of impressive performances from the 1 position this season with a 12–1 Riki game.
Game 2 MVP
In a rare occurrence, both captains were gone this week so neither team had a ticket so it went unticketed unfortunately.
7EMPEST 2–0 Calamity
Game 1 MVP
Sickboy (2–21–13 pos. 5 Shadow Shaman)
This game was peak dota. The Calamity stack flipped their roles and Sickboy was support for Bowie’s carry and they ALMOST pulled it out. In a VERY close game 1 they had a complete FLUKE loss as the 7EMPEST team won a base race.
Game 2 MVP
Calamity team forfeited
Will have round 1 playoff predictions out tomorrow in a separate post.
Just wanted to say thanks for all the support and all the messages I’ve gotten about the content throughout the season. The world really sucks right now and I started writing these to hopefully give some of you something to read while at work or just sitting at home doing nothing. I love reading RD2L related content and I was hoping to make my own to hopefully pass on the joy I get from reading it to others. Hopefully you all had fun this season and enjoyed yourself and maybe met some new friends. If there’s anything I can improve on content wise, league wise, person wise, shoot me a dm whenever.
- Trav2s