EST-SUN MVP’s and Predictions
Pishtya 2–0 Envi
Game 1 MVP
Ice Fudge (8–3–21 pos 3. Sand King)
Please stop giving this kid sand king lol. MVP could’ve gone to anyone on this team for this game as it was a complete stomp, but getting this kind of production out of your 4th highest mmr player is really good.
Game 2 MVP
Ice Fudge (14–0–16 pos. 3 Sand King)
Read above.
Dark 0–2 Sasquatch
Game 1 MVP
Sasquatch (10–0–11 pos. 1 Anti-Mage)
Secured his team the late game with a 22 pick Anti-Mage while dominating the laning phase into the mid game, getting himself a 25 minute manta+battlefury+skadi.
Game 2 MVP
Sasquatch (8–3–14 pos. 3 Nature’s Prophet)
Got online quickly and helped his Ember Spirit get back into the game after a rough laning phase as well as making space and setting up haunt kills for his spectre.
Logical 2–0 USDanny
Game 1 MVP
Smack (15–5–12 pos. 3 Axe)
Overcame a few early tactical feeds to end up leading his team in kills and kill participation. Also went a mega chad heart+AC+mind breaker axe build.
Game 2 MVP
Logical (10–2–25 pos. 1 Wraith King)
Very epic rapier gamer. Logical out here dominating in his return to the safelane.
Reedy 0–2 CC
Game 1 MVP
ActionJackson50 (10–2–15 pos. 3 Axe)
I can only imagine the relief Alc was feeling when seeing his axe get a 7 minute blink dagger after an extremely rough lane on his luna. Managed to create boatloads of space along with CC’s zeus to allow his luna back into the game.
Game 2 MVP
Sonnegod Sadboy (24–5–11 pos. 1 Riki)
Thoroughly dominated at all stages of the game in a losing effort.
Econ 1–1 Trav2s
Game 1 MVP
Double King (15–4–20 pos. 1 Razor)
Dominated all stages of the game and lead his team to a game 1 win despite Mirage’s impressive mid slark performance. Special shout out to Style’s pos. 4 sniper as well. -
Game 2 MVP
Mirage (12–0–5 pos. 2 Morphling)
Much like double king in game 1, dominated at all phases. Both of these teams high mmr carries came to play this series.
W.Stealer 0–2 Ecl9ipse
Game 1 MVP
Skkip (11–6–32 pos. 2 Ember Spirit)
The famous skkip ember comes out and didn’t disappoint. Had a string of deaths in the mid game, but otherwise had himself a great game.
Game 2 MVP
Skkip (13–2–13 pos 2. Queen of Pain)
Took this game over after laning phase and ended the match before any of the radiant heroes could come online for a quick 2–0.
Lala 2–0 DJ Dingus
Game 1 MVP
Lala (14–1–14 pos. 2 Ember Spirit)
Probably the best single game performance of the week. Completely took this game over with a 41k damage ember in a 32 minute game.
Game 2 MVP
EmperorOfAsia (15–3–7 pos. 1 Chaos Knight)
EmpOfAsia having himself a super good season finally getting to play his comfort role. Nothing better than getting to bop some supports in 2 hits with CK.
Mu 1–1 Matieu
Game 1 MVP
Longoria (20–0–7 pos. 1 Weaver)
Shaking off the rust well with a flawless weaver in game 1. Was able to overcome his teams massive virginity (Mu DK) and carry them to victory.
Game 2 MVP
Harbinger (15–3–11 pos. 2 Templar Assassin)
This was a neck and neck race with Matieu’s riki for MVP, but I cannot deny the European and his double rapier TA. Both cores were nearly unkillable as the head rigger got a game back in series.
Brightside 0–2 BobbyPMA
Game 1 MVP
EAZY (8–9–17 pos. 5 Clinkz)
Putting up an extremely solid scoreline on pos. 5 clinkz with a decent item progression and keeping up with warding is very impressive for any player, let alone the lowest mmr player on a team.
Game 2 MVP
BobbyPMA (7–0–15 pos. 2 Pangolier)
The captain pulling his weight and more from the midlane with a flawless pango performance. This game was more or less a stomp and all members of Bobby team performed very well.
Game 1 MVP
CamelFarmer (13–0–15 pos. 2 Invoker)
Camel with the flawless invoker performance to lead his team to a long game 1 victory. Nearly doubled up the next highest damage dealer on his team.
Game 2 MVP
Lemon (19–4–17 pos. 1 Riki)
IS THERE ANOTHER HERO TO ADD TO THE BAN LIST?! Special shoutout to Prohibit who overcame a last pick huskar and put up a very solid Wind Ranger performance, but wasn’t enough to deny Lemon the match MVP.
Doss 1–1 Kira
Game 1 MVP
Aqua Road (10–0–7 pos. 2 Shadow Fiend)
Continuing from last week, Aqua Road continues to put up some very impressive performances. All of the cores from Kira’s team had themselves a game, having 4 total deaths between the tricore.
Game 2 MVP
Bana (3–5–22 pos. 4 Spirit Breaker)
Managed an impressive 100% kill participation in a reversal of game 1 for doss team. Doss managed to get his lycan 2nd phase and Chester put up an impressive SF performance, but can’t deny the epic SB game play.
Agony 1–1 Iceyeti
Game 1 MVP
Agony (15–4–18 pos. 1 Faceless Void)
Mr. Cum Taco himself saved himself last pick and repaid his team immensely with a powerful FV performance. 9 slotted FV an hour into the game is a scary thing, even for the Izumi Kunkka.
Game 2 MVP
Izumi (11–1–24 pos. 2 Ember Spirit)
Iboomi continuing to fly under the radar as one of the better midlaners this season had himself another monster performance this week. Very alpha desolator+radiance build, but for some reason decided to buy a beta king bar. smh.
7EMPEST 1–1 Quantum Jojo
Game 1 MVP
Freightrain (16–1–15 pos. 2 Zeus)
Really ran a train through 7EMPEST team game 1 with a quick 30 minute win totally 7 deaths between the tricore of the Quantum Jojo team.
Game 2 MVP
Alpaca (17–2–26 pos. 3 Sniper)
Not much else to say. Double rapier offlane sniper coming out from Alpaca. Peak Alpaca gameplay.
Colonel Squid 2–0 Voldrox
Game 1 MVP
Wetpaint (5–2–10 pos. 5 Mirana)
In a 30 minute stomp, Squid team had an all around great performance, but MVP goes to wetpaint who got his potm and showed out. Along with Spacedude, both supports played very well over the series.
Game 2 MVP
ColonelSquid (18–5–17 pos. 2 Queen of Pain)
Squid went off on qop allowing his naga (virgins) to get a 22 minute manta-diffusal-butterfly as insurance heading into the later stages of the game. In the end it didn’t matter because the 4 man deathball ended the game before it went late.
Fume 2–0 BMTS
Game 1 MVP
Fume (20–4–9 pos. 2 Riki)
Managed to grab 20 of his teams 32 kills in a game 1 carry. Got some help in the damage department from the world famous Bitterra Tinker however.
Game 2 MVP
Tiggles (4–1–19 pos. 4 Mirana)
The impressive string of potm 4 performances continue with another in this game 2 stomp. Tiggles and his pos 3, Teja combined for an impressive 10–2–37 this game.
Calamity 0–2 Wizard of Chaos
Game 1 MVP
Wizard of Chaos (14–3–15 pos. 3 Bristleback)
I can only imagine what kind of sounds this big idot was making as the other team had to deal with his dumbass merely existing in teamfights. Still managed the most deaths out of his team’s tricore, fedder ;v.
Game 2 MVP
Mattador (16–3–19 pos. 2 Bounty Hunter)
Capping off an impressive week 2 performance with an epic mid bounty. Big performance out of the midlaner turned offlaner turned midlaner.
Acid Rain 0–2 FrenZyy
Game 1 MVP
Kende (21–4–7 pos. 1 Ursa)
Along with FrenZyy’s SF, put up a super solid showing in a close game 1.
Game 2 MVP
Kende (10–4–15 pos. 1 Weaver)
Once again barely eking out FrenZyy for MVP, managed to pull it together after a ~24 minute team wipe to grab a 32 minute game 2 win for the 2–0.
avgpeen 0–2 Rusy
Game 1 MVP
Rusy (20–4–11 pos. 2 Morphling)
Big performance in his return to the midlane this season. Unfortunately happened to catch the big gay and picked himself shaker+morph.
Game 2 MVP
Rusy (31–8–7 pos. 1 Morphling)
Somehow the other team managed to let Rusy pick himself shaker+morph for a 2nd game in a row and paid for it, but this time from the safelane instead of the midlane.
Sebastian 0–2 thamaestro
Game 1 MVP
thamaestro (8–2–14 pos. 2 Mars)
Giga chad deso-aghs build out of the mars. Managed to up the tempo and end this game 1 with Bear’s bounty hunter before Minicolt’s riki fully came online.
Game 2 MVP
Minicolt (12–3–7 pos. 1 Ember Spirit)
Put up a ridiculous damage total (66.3k) in a 46 minute game loss. Despite the 0–2 still managed to put up an impressive scoreline of 19–4–11 over the 2 games.
Tiramisu 0–2 bearcat0611
Game 1 MVP
ForTheThrills (9–1–19 pos. 4 Zeus)
Like all zeus games, ForTheThrills just shit out damage, but didn’t feed many deaths like most pos. 4 zeus gamers. Paired with Charbz’ Clockwerk, the pair shut down the Tiramisu safelane and created chaos midgame with Alpha’s Kunkka for the quick game 1 win.
Game 2 MVP
TheJohan (15–6–12 pos. 5 Ancient Apparition)
Johan’s AA managed to slip through the cracks while Tiramisu had to deal with the other target bans from bearcat team and they paid for it. Dealt the killing blow to Bambino’s impressive Storm Spirit 4 times out of his 5 deaths in the game.
Bestpinoza 1–1 Captain Pepega
Game 1 MVP
Wax (7–4–17 pos. 2 Razor)
Alongside an impressive DK showing from Captain Pepega, the team slowed down Apex’s alchemist and pulled out a game 1 win.
Game 2 MVP
Apex (14–2–9 pos. 1 Terrorblade)
Apex went mode: rice and was 6 slotted by 39 minutes. His team overcame a midgame push by the dire and pulled out a comeback win after a bit of a throw in game 1.
Goatsatan 1–1 The Clamburglar
Game 1 MVP
The Clamburglar (22–8–32 pos. 3 Clockwerk)
The captain put in a big showing and went a very alpha kaya+sange->AC->abyssal->nullifier->heart item build to go along with it. Well deserved game 1 victory after a 82 minute slugfest.
Game 2 MVP
FooSquash (14–2–19 pos. 2 Ancient Apparition)
Put up a monster scoreline on the core AA, killing the enemy morphling 3 times before 10 minutes and carried that momentum into the midgame. Pulled together a comeback win in game 2 after a miserably long game 1.
Week 3 Predictions
Last week I went 8/22 on predictions. Removing 1–1’s I predicted 6 series completely wrong.
Pishtya 2–0 Logical
CC 0–2 Lala
Ecl9ipse 0–2 Sasquatch
Econ 0–2 ColonelSquid
Trav2s 2–0 Mu
Matieu 2–0 BobbyPMA
W.Stealer 0–2 Rusy
Envi 2–0 agony
USDanny 2–0 Kira
DrSteel 0–2 Reedy
DJ Dingus 0–2 Iceyeti
Dark 2–0 7EMPEST
Quantum Jojo 0–2 thamaestro
doss 2–0 Fume
bearcat0611 0–2 Wizard of Chaos
Brightside 0–2 Captain Pepega
Voldrox 2–0 The Clamburglar
Bestpinoza 0–2 goatsatan
Calamity 2–0 avgpeen
AcidRain 2–0 Sebastian
BMTS 2–0 Tiramisu