EST-SUN MVP’s and Predictions

Week 6

12 min readJun 15, 2020

Logical 0–2 Sasquatch

The comeback.

Game 1 MVP
Sasquatch (14–3–10 pos. 1 Phantom Lancer)
Pulled game 1 back with some help from Coahre’s Ember, but ended up 7 slotted with an illusionist cape (OSFrog). His team held out long enough despite getting mega’d at 44 minutes to come back and win a close game 1.
Game 2 MVP
Hanmingzyy (11–0–16 pos. 4 Queen of Pain)
This game was a complete and utter stomp. 42–8 kill score in 35 minutes. All the members of Sasquatch team performed extremely well to take the series 2–0, but I refuse to give Sas MVP for picking ursa :).

Pishtya 0–2 Trav2s

Game 1 MVP
Mirage (14–0–18 pos. 2 Storm Spirit)
The carry train continues as Mirage went absolutely off on Storm in game 1. Despite losing the offlane and drawing the safelane, the game ended up very one sided with a 38–12 scoreline. This was mainly due to the Storm rotations in the early mid game after laning phase, grabbing 6 kills at the 15 minute mark.
Game 2 MVP
Jerracabra’s W key (Survived 2 bristleback games)
A LOT closer than game 1, but after surviving a rough laning phase where the Pishtya stack got the lanes they wanted, the Trav2s stack ran away with it. If I didn’t meme this MVP I’d give it to Trav2s despite feeding several kills like an absolute DOG, going 6–9–31 (nice) and losing *0* eggs through both games on 4 Phoenix. However, Jerry did have a big 11–3–21 bristle performance and thoroughly deserved MVP.

Lala 2–0 Ecl9ipse

Game 1 MVP
Forn (14–4–10 pos. 3 Leshrac)
Leshrac is fukin epic. The Lala team had a pretty straightforward game 1, winning 2/3 lanes and grouped up to win a quick 27 minute match. Only managed to die once in lane despite having to deal with a cancerous fireblast->jugg spin combo. Also picked up a few kills in laning stage to go with an impressive lane performance.


Game 2 MVP
EmperorOfAsia (12–5–14 pos. 1 Luna)
If I had to guess, the Luna getting a 50:01 Satanic and 4 dire losing 4 heroes+aegis+cheese from 50:23 to 50:53 MIGHT be linked in a way. I’m 3k though so don’t listen to my dota analysis. The Lala stack followed up that huge teamfight win with another teamfight win just 4 minutes later, eventually leading them to a hard fought game 2 win.

CC 1–1 BobbyPMA

Game 1 MVP
BobbyPMA (10–0–8 pos. 2 Void Spirit)
Bobby may not be winning his pubs, but man did he put on a show game 1. Despite drawing all 3 lanes, all 3 of the BobbyPMA team cores had standout games, combining for 25–5–35 for the game.
Game 2 MVP
Alcatraz Swim Team (14–3–13 pos. 1 Bloodseeker)
Recovered nicely from 2 deaths in the span of 3 minutes at around the 20 minute mark for a 700+ gpm pos. 1 seeker. Another game where MVP could have gone to a few members of CC team, but the carry gets the nod for this seeker for nearly doubling up the next highest damage dealer on his team.

Envi 0–2 Fume

Game 1 MVP
Moo (7–4–21 pos. 5 Disruptor)
Fume probably thinks he’s hot shit for going 15–2 on ursa, but the real MVP was his lane partner putting in a big 7–4–21 on a hero that takes more than 3 brain cells to play. Grabbed an impressive lane win along with Fume against a miserable QoP 4, bat 3 lineup and used that momentum to push the teams advantage as all 3 lanes did well into a very lane focused draft from Envi team (Viper, bat cores).
Game 2 MVP
Tiggles (5–1–18 pos. 4 Mirana)
Despite Bitterra’s absence this week who usually soaks up several first phase bans, Tiggles’ POTM continues to slither through the drafts, now sitting at an impressive 7–0 overall this season. Much like game 1, the Fume stack survived (and won) all their lanes despite the Envi team heavily emphasizing strong lanes with their drafts, getting a tricore of monkey, centaur, and lycan. After winning the lanes, Fume team was able to kind of just run over team green en route to a quick series 2–0.

USDanny 0–2 Dark

Game 1 MVP
Dark (17–1–5 pos. 1 Anti-Mage)
Getting to 22 pick an Anti-Mage into a clockwerk+venomancer lane is a real feelsgoodman and if I was on either of those 2 heroes I would probably GG out before loading into the server. To add to that, the USDanny draft had no reliable lock-down for the AM save for an abyssal on ursa, but that didn’t come online fast enough before Dark took over the game and carried his team to a game 1 win.
Game 2 MVP
Poncho (7–1–5 pos. 2 Dragon Knight)
Despite getting doubled up on his mmr by Rice boi in the midlane, Poncho had a solid game 2. After going even in lane the Dark stack grouped up and deathballed down a lane for a quick game 2 win.

Mu 0–2 ColonelSquid

Game 1 MVP
ColonelSquid (14–3–11 pos. 2 Necrophos)
Unfortunately the 22 pick meepo didn’t come out, but Squid did have himself a game here, picking up a 25 minute radiance+greaves on mid Necro. Decided to grab a spell prism from the jungle in a very high skilled move as well.
Game 2 MVP
ColonelSquid (12–2–1 pos. 2 Lone Druid)
The 22 pick lycan and 22 pick meepo haven’t worked out super well for Squid this season, but 3rd times a charm when it comes to cancer 22 picks Squid can pull out of his bag of tricks. Along with jah’s Nature’s Prophet, the duo hit their timings and ended the game in a quick 25 minutes.

Matieu 2–0 Rusy

Game 1 MVP
Filski (9–1–14 pos. 3 Nature’s Prophet)
Filski dominated with NP in game 1, winning his NP+shaker into dazzle+DK lane. Seeing the enemy sniper dying mid twice into a mid necro leads me to believe that bloo’s shaker was rotating mid often, leaving Filski all alone into the strong dual lane of the Rusy stack. After lanes, the Matieu stack had an impressive string of 10 kills in a 3 minute span, taking a 1,600 networth lead at 27 minutes all the way to 16,000 at 30 minutes.

Now THIS is pod racing!

Game 2 MVP
Filski (14–1–12 pos. 3 Centaur Warrunner)
Capping off an impressive week 6, the 1st round pick lead his team to a game 2 win, holding off an impressive 19–5–1 Templar Assassin performance out of Rusy. Coming just 27 gpm short of surpassing his AM’s GPM in the 34 minute game, Filski put up a 26/28 kill participation, good for 93%.

Econ 1–1 DrSteel

Game 1 MVP
Miyushi (3–8–32 pos. 5 Snapfire)
Was able to become a 4th core for the Econ stack as she was able to combo her ult with chronosphere. Was just under 2k damage away from out damaging 2 of the 3 cores from the DrSteel team while buying more support items than anyone else in the game.
Game 2 MVP
HullCity07 (9–10–23 pos. 4 Weaver)
Much like Miyushi in game 1, was able to become a 4th core in this game for his team. Put up an impressive 94% kill participation in a 62 minute marathon series.

W.Stealer 2–0 Quantum Jojo

Game 1 MVP
W.Stealer (12–2–12 pos. 2 Necrophos)
Despite picking into a dazzle, got to 22 pick necro into 3 strength heroes and lone druid. Outside of a 17 minute hiccup that caused them to lose their small lead for a moment, the friend stack cruised to a game 1 win.
Game 2 MVP
GoldenCookie (6–4–16 pos. 4 Treant Protector)
Managed to make a, in my opinion, bad hero work SUPER effectively in rd2l. Put up a 71% kill participation while out damaging one of his cores on a tree. I do have to give a shoutout to his lane partner, dbashore18, who went off on pangolier, going 6–3–19.

DJ Dingus 1–1 Alpha

Game 1 MVP
Sheep (12–1–14 pos. 1 Morphling)
Due to the shitmins only being able to find a midlaner to replace bearcat, IM A MORON, APPARENTLY ALPHA DIDNT PLAY THIS WEEK GAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Game 2 MVP
Detective Diglett (13–5–18 pos. 2 Snapfire)
The mid snap finally gets brought out by Diglett and managed to recover a game where the Dingus stack lost all 3 lanes with a VERY slow Faceless void and Medusa sidelane core lineup. The Dingus stack managed to survive the mid game and win 3 decisive teamfights post 30 minutes to take the game in 40 minutes.

Reedy 0–2 thamaestro

Game 1 MVP
thamaestro (21–8–9 pos. 2 Ursa)
Unfortunately I had to give out an mvp this week to an ursa player, but I couldn’t deny maestro as he doubled up everyone on his team in damage this game 1 and had over half of his teams total kills. The dumb bear was unkillable by minute 30 and to add to the stupid amount of status res he added a spell prism and an aghs to make sure he will truly never die.

Game 2 MVP
thamaestro (13–3–9 pos. 2 Ember Spirit)
Another big performance to round out week 6 from the captain. Put up the highest kill participation on his team with a 78% kill participation as well as putting up the most damage allowing his Trex Wraith King to free farm after a rough laning stage. The real MVP is the memes this week however.

Bestpinoza 0–2 avgpeen

Game 1 MVP
PU.Oscillation (11–4–19 pos. 3 Legion Commander)
The avgpeen stack had a solid team effort and took down the vaunted Apex arc warden in game 1. Along with his lane partner, avgpeen, the duo had a very impressive game 1 putting up ridiculous damage totals and completely shutting down the enemy Wraith King. However, did go the duel damage bonus instead of the aoe press the attack which is a bit cringe.

Dire won this game……

Game 2 MVP
Vinny (11–10–12 pos. 1 Slark)
I genuinely do not know how this team won as the radiant side had a 16k networth lead even after giving up megas and had a 20–4 Apex spectre.

goatsatan 0–2 Captain Pepega

Game 1 MVP
Captain Pepega (8–1–7 pos. 3 Night Stalker)
The captain had another huge night stalker game as his team won a convincing game 1 in 15 minutes. Despite being 1 of his teams 5 deaths (fedder) he completely shut down the goatsatan safelane along with Staples.
Game 2 MVP
Wax (21–2–11 pos. 2 Templar Assassin)
This wasn’t a 1v5 carry as his scoreline might suggest, as both PkOq and Captain Pepega played very well as the other cores. Wax however was on another level this game, grabbing a 16 minute blink+desolator timing and running the show from there.

Brightside 1–1 Iceyeti

Game 1 MVP
Iceyeti (18–0–8 pos. 1 Chaos Knight)
Iceyeti took some time out of his day to stop playing Wraith King and play a (semi) real dota hero for game 1. With help from a strong Kotl performance from Bromar, yeti was able to secure a free lane and transition that to a 19 minute armlet+bkb. Once fully online, the CK was able to bop some fools as he picked up 9 core kills throughout the game.
Game 2 MVP
Brok3n- (6–3–15 pos. 5 Bane)
The Brightside stack came back and took game 2 in a quick 29 minutes to even up the series 1–1. Broken put up a big bane performance as he picked up 2 kills in a pivotal 20 minute teamfight that saw his team’s networth balloon from a 3k lead to an 8k lead in just under 3 minutes afterwards.

doss 2–0 AcidRain

Game 1 MVP
doss (24–2–11 pos. 1 Troll Warlord)
The captain was able to recover from giving up an early first blood just a minute and a half into laning phase and carry his team in a big way to a game 1 stomp. Doss was able to pick up a 25 minute satanic+SNY+battlefury which helped him account for 24 of his teams 44 kills as well as leading the server in damage and gpm.
Game 2 MVP
RedondO (9–5–16 pos. 3 Necrophos)
Despite being a giga fedder, dying 4 times in a 6 minute span from 10–16 minutes, the offlaner was able to lead his team in kills, assists, as well as damage as Chester’s Hot Guys was able to take game 2 as well as their 1st 2–0 of the season.

FrenZyy 2–0 Wizard of Chaos

Game 1 MVP
agile (11–2–17 pos. 3 Legion Commander)
The FrenZyy stack crushed the 22 pick alchemist from Wizard of Chaos team on their way to a 29 minute game 1 win. Like many of their wins from this season, the tricore of Kende, agile, and FrenZyy all put in solid performances. Agile edges out the other 2 for MVP this week for his solid kill participation (76%) as well as leading the server in xpm despite being a pos. 3.
Game 2 MVP
Kende (22–1–11 pos. 1 Riki)
Riki stomping another RD2L match. Unfortunately, Kende opted to not go for the epic battlefury after diffusal blade build, but still got an impressive 23 minute basher-yasha-diffusal as his team was able to hold off a 22 pick broodmother from the Wizard of Chaos team.


Game 1 MVP
Prohibit (18–2–14 pos. 2 Ember Spirit)
Prohibit coming in once again to remind us all that he can play standard mid lane heroes at an elite level in rd2l. Unfortunately wasn’t able to fit in a midas into his build, but picked up a 20 minute Bots+radiance as his ember was able to just shit out damage to deal with a naga lineup from the Calamity stack.
Game 2 MVP
Lemon (23–4–13 pos. 1 Ursa)
It was REALLY hard to not give MVP to Prohibit’s mid earthshaker, but I cannot deny Lemon’s greatness in this game 2. Despite playing dumb broken bear hero, the citrus fruit put up a ridiculous 23 kills in a 52 minute game that was in control for the Corndog stack throughout, only losing their networth lead for a few minutes in the early mid game.

agony 1–1 Voldrox

Game 1 MVP
Voldrox (7–4–18 pos. 4 Bounty Hunter)
Was able to help shut down the 22 pick alchemist out of the agony stack along with his lane partner, Moff, on his legion commander. The duo combined for 4 of the alchemists 6 deaths in a fairly straightforward 51 minute game. Also was able to keep help his team only reach a 3.5k networth deficit against an alchemist lineup with track kills.
Game 2 MVP
Choco (12–2–12 pos. 2 Death Prophet)
Recovering from a rough game 1, the agony stack crushed game 2, ending the match before the 30 minute mark. Choco lead his team in damage, gpm, and xpm as well as understandably doing ridiculous amount of tower damage with his ultimate.

Kira 1–1 Sebastian

Game 1 MVP
Geom (9–2–18 pos. 3 Timbersaw)
The aqua road-less Kira team was able to take a convincing game 1 win, winning 2 of their 3 lanes and never losing the networth lead. All of their players had a claim to MVP for game 1 as they had a complete team effort in the win.
Game 2 MVP
Cam (9–0–3 pos. 2 Phantom Assassin)
Although Minicolt’s 3–0–5 Lone druid was definitely more influential in this game ending at 20 minutes, Cam put in a very strong performance playing mid PA. The tricore for the Sebastian team combined for 0 deaths as they rolled over the Kira stack in a quick 20 minutes to even the series at 1–1.

7EMPEST 1–1 The Clamburglar

Game 1 MVP
Alpaca (6–2–10 pos. 3 Queen of Pain)
In a change of pace, the 7EMPEST stack picked 2 meta heroes for their midlane and offlane and they won a very 1 sided 34 minute game. All 5 of the 7EMPEST players had solid performances, but were edged out by alpaca due to just raw damage output as well as his absolutely epic 3 tome core performance.
Game 2 MVP
The Clamburglar (16–2–28 pos. 3 Pangolier)
In another marathon game, the captain pulls through for his team in the end with another absolutely elite offlane performance. Outdamaging his radiance alchemist as well as his carry venomancer. Although 1 criticism is his 2nd death came at 60 minutes and he fed a massive 2214 gold… fedder. Memes aside, the Clamburglar stack was able to recover from a tough game 1 and take a 70 minute slugfest to even up the series.

Week 7 Predictions

Pishtya 0–2 Sasquatch
Trav2s 2–0 Lala
Logical 2–0 ColonelSquid
CC 2–0 Matieu
BobbyPMA 2–0 Fume
Dark 2–0 Captain Pepega
W.Stealer 0–2 avgpeen
thamaestro 0–2 doss
Econ 0–2 FrenZyy
Mu 2–0 DJ Dingus
Envi 2–0 Alpha
DrSteel 2–0 Brightside
USDanny 2–0 Iceyeti
Rusy 2–0 goatsatan
Reedy 0–2 AcidRain
Quantum Jojo 2–0 Bestpinoza
Wizard of Chaos 2–0 agony
7EMPEST 2–0 Sebastian
Kira 2–0 The Clamburglar
Voldrox 2–0 Calamity




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