EST-SUN MVP’s and Predictions
Pishtya 1–1 Lala
Game 1 MVP
MajkaTheMid (10–4–11 pos. 2 Viper)
Objectively, this should probably go to Pishtya’s Shadow Demon, but as a team when you’re able to put your lowest mmr player on a midlaner and he can get 2 kills on a HIGH 6k midlaner that is is insanely impressive, no matter how braindead viper is as a hero.
Game 2 MVP
Lala (16–5*–16 pos. 2 Necrophos)
The captain redeeming himself after only an okay-good game with an absolutely elite game 2. Despite dying 3 times in the 1st 11 minutes of game 2, likely due to the 22 pick Pugna on the other team, Lala came back and died only 1 time the rest of the game while putting up a monstrous 16 kills all while building mostly utility items (pipe->lotus->blink). I refuse to count the 5th death as he died at 56:01 in a 56:01 minute game…
Trav2s 1–1 Sasquatch
Game 1 MVP
Sasquatch (17–1–8 pos. 1 Lone Druid)
These games were the story of the last pick, game 1 being a 22 pick LD. Sas was near unkillable as his sole death came at the very end of the match. Even despite the 17–1 scoreline, the rest of his team all put in solid performances as Sasquatch team took a convincing game 1.
Game 2 MVP
Mirage (18–1–8 pos. 1 Anti-Mage)
Mirage saw Sasquatch 22 pick a game winning hero in game 1 and said “hold my beer” as game 2 was pretty much a copy of game 1, but in the other team’s favor. Picking up a 13 minute treads-battlefury, the game was ridiculously hard for Sasquatch team as they had very little reliable lockdown for an AM, let alone a near free farmed AM. Further props to Mirage for the rampage at the end of the game.
Logical 2–0 Matieu
Game 1 MVP
Logical (23–3–7 pos. 2 Anti-Mage)
Unfortunately unlike Mirage, had a 16 minute battlefury like an absolute noober. Memes aside, Logical truly had a 1v5 performance in game 1 and recovered brilliantly from 2 deaths at crucial times for an AM all while playing into a rough lineup that included a faceless void and a slardar.
Game 2 MVP
Logical (14–2–5 pos. 2 Medusa)
Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh. Medusa gaming. I will refrain from commenting on a 22 pick dusa win.
Econ 0–2 BobbyPMA
Game 1 MVP
BobbyPMA (17–2–14 pos. 2 Monkey King)
Despite having 1st pick, Bobby had matchup he wanted going into the mid lane as his team drafted a Death Prophet, Monkey King, Ursa, and Queen of Pain so realistically he could have taken all 4 of those mid depending on what Econ team decided on. Bobby took this advantage and rolled over the Econ team as they won a fairly convincing game 1.
Game 2 MVP
Flanking (6–0–27 pos. 4 Queen of Pain)
After pulling out the 4 QoP in game 1 and putting up a 6–1–19 scoreline, he was somehow able to get 4 QoP again in game 2 and made Econ team pay for it, putting up a flawless performance. Although game 2 was closer than game 1, Bobby team held a sizable advantage throughout en route to a 2–0 win.
Ecl9ipse 1–1 Envi
Game 1 MVP
Skkip (15–2–13 pos. 2 Ember Spirit)
Skkip showing RD2L why ember is his signature hero once again. Despite his scoreline, this wasn’t a complete 1v5 carry as he got solid contributions from his captain, Ecl9ipse on faceless void as well as Deathbypudding on timbersaw.
Game 2 MVP
Zamolxes (12–2–10 pos. 2 Necrophos)
I actually had the pleasure of watching this game and Zamo played extremely well. Despite going greaves->dagon 5, he made sufficient space along with the rest of his team to allow Envi to go a pretty greedy battlefury->desolator->bkb PA build.
CC 2–0 bearcat0611
Game 1 MVP
killazoid3000 (4–3–24 pos. 4 Queen of Pain)
This could have gone to any of the cores from CC team given they were in a pretty commanding position after 2 dominating teamfights around the 25 minute mark, but I wanted to show some love to the 4. Put up an impressive 74% kill participation as well as dying only 3 times on a fragile QoP hero.
Game 2 MVP
Alc (17–3–12 pos. 1 Ursa)
Another very strong showing from the CC tricore as they once again cruised to a game 2 win. This win was a bit more contested than game 1, but the tricore combined for only 13 deaths in almost 44 minutes and Alc was allowed to farm a fast battlefury without getting punished much at all. Although I will say shoutout to Alpha’s sniper who was the majority of the reason as to why this game made it to the 40+ minute mark.
Mu 1–1 USDanny
Game 1 MVP
Rice Boi (14–3–20 pos. 2 Ember Spirit)
Rice Boi showing why his ember is banned first phase in almost every series they play. Put up 87% kill participation and lead the server in total damage with 56.3k in a 44 minute game that saw them come back from a 4.5k networth disadvantage at 10(!) minutes.
Game 2 MVP
I can only imagine how frustrating pushing highground into Sand King, PL, Storm, techies, and Grimstroke must have been so I will be giving the entire team the MVP for this one for not just immediately tilting and calling gg post draft. However, Mu had a stand out performance, going 11–4–8 on his mid DK as well as being the tower hitter his team needed to end this god forsaken game.
Dark 2–0 FrenZyy
Game 1 MVP
Dark (21–1–7 pos. 1 Luna)
Giving Dark MVP for playing Luna week in week out is getting boring, but I can’t not give a player MVP when he contributes 21 of his team’s 34 kills. Dark picked up 13 kills between minute 19–25 as they rolled over FrenZyy team in game 1.
Game 2 MVP
Boomski! (4–2–15 pos. 4 Clockwerk)
Along with LTH, who put up an identical 4–2–15 on pos. 3 Underlord, the Dark team dominated game 2 with a high tempo lineup, not allowing the Kende PL the space to get online. Despite getting dragged out to almost 30 minutes, the team had 9 total deaths.
W.Stealer 1–1 DrSteel
Game 1 MVP
HullCity07 (4–5–34 pos. 4 Chen)
Despite having I’m sure some awful creep micro, Hull managed to grab a 20 minute pipe as well as an 83% kill participation in a back and forth game 1 win. Also along with Chup, supported well enough to allow their tricore of sniper, luna, and riki the time and space to come online to carry them in the late game.
Game 2 MVP
W.Stealer (7–2–15 pos. 2 Medusa)
Siiiiiiiiiigh. Another 22 pick dusa. Had a classic rd2l dusa performance where he does fine in lane and afk farms while his team falls behind in farm and space until Medusa picks up a few items and becomes an unkillable ball of death barreling down a lane.
DJ Dingus 1–1 thamaestro
Game 1 MVP
Ticket your games :)
Game 2 MVP
Trex (14–1–32 pos. 1 Spectre)
Had help from his team in order to find space to farm up and get a few items, notably Bear, who went an impressive 15–8–27 on Night Stalker. Unlike the Spectres in my pubs, he repayed his team for all the space they made and carried them in the late game to a 53 minute win, despite DJ Dingus’s best efforts as he went 23–6–5 on his pos. 1 Riki.
Rusy 1–1 Reedy
Game 1 MVP
Turkey (4–3–16 pos. 4 Earth Spirit)
Earth Spirit spammer gets Earth Spirit and wins game. Rd2l is easy sometimes. Despite lasting over 37 minutes, this game was fairly one sided as the Rusy team had a nearly 4.5k networth advantage at 10 minutes that inevitably ballooned up to 10k at 15 minutes. Special shout out to Remster who played beast master mid as well.
Game 2 MVP
Perplexed (3–3–20 pos. 5 Jakiro)
Managed to almost out damage his 8–4–11 slark who had an impressive game himself and ended up with 22.5k damage to his jakiro’s 22.2k in a 33 minute equalizer. Impressively managed to die only 3 times despite having to play into a hellish game to play support in which included an ursa, earth spirit, legion commander, and bloodseeker, all of which can absolutely feed off supports and snowball the game off that.
ColonelSquid 2–0 Wizard of Chaos
Game 1 MVP
Jah (18–3–8 pos. 1 Ursa)
Picked dumb bear and did dumb bear things. All of Squid team played extremely well game 1, especially their support duo of wetpaint and SpaceDude36000 who combined for 10–6–42. Jah, however, became pretty much unkillable by 27 minutes when he finished his satanic to add to his sny. Status res good :)
Game 2 MVP
wetpaint (8–3–16 pos. 5 Enchantress)
Adding to an impressive week, game 2 wetpaint got picked ench in response to the beastmaster pick from Wizard of Chaos team and had an extremely impressive game. Negated the other team’s highest mmr player in lane as well as salvaging the lane of his teams highest mmr player all in 1 pick. This shift in lane dominance showed when their ursa picked up a 13 minute battle fury.
goatsatan 1–1 doss
Game 1 MVP
Chester’s Hot Fries (25–7–14 pos. 2 Clinkz)
Apparently teams still haven’t caught on that they need to ban clinkz. Was 100 damage away from outdamaging his ZEUS on mid clinkz. Unfortunately the doss team pulled out a victory in a hard fought 53 minute game. I was hoping they would lose this game so I could give Buying Onions MVP for this game as he went 19–9–13 on core ET.
Game 2 MVP
FooSquash (14–3–27 pos. 2 Zeus)
FooSquash team came out with a W after a back and forth game 2, just like game 1. Although damage numbers in a long game as Zeus are fairly meaningless, but he put up 142k damage in an hour long game. That’s impressive regardless of the hero.
Quantum Jojo 1–1 Captain Pepega
Game 1 MVP
CynicuL (7–1–13 pos. 3 Chen)
Definitely the most impressive Chen performance this week AND it was played as a core. Epic. The Quantum Jojo team dominated game 1 and ended the game in a 1 sided 31 minutes. Outside of the suicide bomber spirit breaker, the team combined for just 5 deaths in the 30 minute game, including an impressive 4–0–19 KOTL from Madcus.
Game 2 MVP
Captain Pepega (16–6–21 pos. 3 Night Stalker)
Putting game 1 behind them, the Captain Pepega stack came out and returned the favor, taking an albeit less 1 sided game 2 fairly convincingly. Despite an impressive 12–2 slark game from PkOq, I gave the nod to the captain himself for this game for his overall game impact, notching an 82% kill participation over the course of a 42+ minute game.
Fume 2–0 The Clamburglar
Game 1 MVP
Bitterra (10–1–4 pos 2 Lone Druid)
Hitting immortal AND getting a game MVP from Trav2s himself all in the same weekend. What a time it must be for Bitterra. Finally got LD through in the draft and took it 1st overall and managed to go 10–1 and dominate the game still. Congrats on immortal though, everyone make sure to tell him congrats.
Game 2 MVP
Moo (6–3–21 pos. 5 Disruptor)
Much like wetpaint’s pos. 5 performance from earlier, Moo got drafted into a really shit game to play pos. 5 in and came out of it with only 3 deaths. That’s very impressive when you have an ursa, a near immortal void spirit, and an immortal clockwerk all trying to jump on top of you and kill you before you can throw your ult out. Moo backed that up with high kill participation and a solid damage output as well.
7EMPEST 0–2 avgpeen
Game 1 MVP
Epii (6–8–27 pos. 5 Lich)
All of avgpeen team played well this game as they took game 1 with a come from behind win. The team only registered 5 deaths in the last 21 minutes of the game. Epii had a great game as she put up an 86% kill participation in the 50 minute game 1.
Game 2 MVP
Vinny (18–10–18 pos. 1 Gyrocopter)
Ended the game with 3 rapiers. That should probably be enough of a justification to give him MVP, but also put up 100k hero damage, nearly outdamaging the rest of his team combined (100.9k to 112.7k). Vinny really pulled this win out of his ass however as his team overcame a 45k networth disadvantage to win in an hour+ long match.
Bestpinoza 2–0 Kira
Game 1 MVP
Jett (4–2–20 pos. 4 Queen of Pain)
One of many impressive 4 qop performances from this weekend. Was apart of most of the action as he posted an 80% kill participation. Was eventually carried by /apex’s TB, but was an integral part of allowing /apex the space in order to farm as well as help shut down the Aqua Road TA.
Game 2 MVP
/apex (8–1–8 pos. 1 Anti-Mage)
Had an impressive laning phase where he picked up 4 kills on the enemy earth shaker en route to a 13 minute treads-battle fury. Outside of his lone death just after picking up his manta, /apex had a near flawless performance as his team took game 2.
Brightside 2–0 Sebastian
Game 1 MVP
Gentleman Bastard (15–1–8 pos. 1 Morphling)
Had a relatively unbothered game as his team didn’t get rolled over in lanes despite getting counter picked mid (22 pick timber into kunkka). After lanes, his team just played the map better and overall just took much better fights, allowing them to get to a 10k+ networth advantage by 27 minutes and just choke out the Sebastian team.
Game 2 MVP
Brightside (7–1–18 pos. 2 Mars)
Was apart of 25/30 of his team’s kills as well as putting up the 2nd highest damage total in the server for game 2. Along with another strong performance from his team, the 4 man group of Kizu, Pur3Extacide, brok3n, and Brightside ran the map effectively while their am was able to farm freely as he went 6–0.
agony 0–2 AcidRain
Game 1 MVP
Target (16–7–23 pos. 2 Nature’s Prophet)
Target putting up a rampage in a game 1 win, powerful. Despite the AcidRain team trying their hardest to throw at multiple occasions in game 1, they managed to squeak out a win in just under 53 minutes. Props to AcidRain for playing a core undying as well.
Game 2 MVP
AcidRain (7–1–14 pos. 3 Brewmaster)
In a much less contested game 2, AcidRain team was able to easily take the 2–0 after some rough team fights for the agony stack just after the 25 minute mark. The captain had a big game 2, with the Jynx mirana roaming early in the laning phase, he managed to not completely chain feed in a 1v2 lane and recover in the midgame. Despite the rough laning phase, he still became an integral part of the reason why they took game 2.
Iceyeti 2–0 Voldrox
Game 1 MVP
Ticket (your games)
Game 2 MVP
Izumi (11–1–17 pos. 2 Ember Spirit)
Despite Iceyeti’s 12–0 spectre (virg lol) game, I’m giving Iboomi MVP here as he put in a huge game 2 to take both games of the series. Izumi was tasked with making plays on the map to set up for haunt kills as well as just to allow his spectre to farm and did his role perfectly this game.
Game 1 MVP
Game 2 MVP
Calamity 2–0 BYE
Week 6 Predictions
Logical 2–0 Sasquatch
Pishtya 0–2 Trav2s
Lala 2–0 Ecl9ipse
CC 2–0 BobbyPMA
Envi 2–0 Fume
USDanny 2–0 Dark
Mu 2–0 ColonelSquid
Matieu 2–0 Rusy
Econ 2–0 DrSteel
W.Stealer 2–0 Quantum Jojo
DJ Dingus 2–0 bearcat0611
Reedy 0–2 thamaestro
Bestpinoza 2–0 avgpeen
goatsatan 2–0 Captain Pepega
Brightside 0–2 Iceyeti
doss 0–2 AcidRain
FrenZyy 0–2 Wizard of Chaos
agony 2–0 Voldrox
Kira 0–2 Sebastian
7EMPEST 2–0 The Clamburglar