EST-SUN Power Rankings

Week 4

14 min readJun 2, 2020

No pictures, prepare yourselves for a complete wall of text

Top Tier

1 Pishtya (7–1) — Played Pishtya 5, Majka 2 last week. Not sure if it is a permanent move, but if Majka continues next week with the same level of play albeit against better competition, it will be a big help to the rest of their squad with the captain able to help out his other lanes and shot call from the 5 position.
2 Sasquatch (7–1) — Still continue playing musical chairs when it comes to roles and who plays what hero in any given game, making this team a nightmare to scout and prepare for. Sasquatch has put in several elite games thus far this season as well.
3 Logical (6–2) — One of the biggest surprises this season, 2nd round pick and midlaner Fury, has been a huge boost to the tricore of this team this season and has played at an extremely high level this season so far. Logical has continued to put in elite performances from pos. 1 (just don’t google his brewmaster) and rd2l vet Smack is free to tactically feed across the map to make space for his other cores.
4 Matieu (6–2) — Despite a few hiccups against the Mu and BobbyPMA stacks, going 1–1 in both weeks, the starfish stack got back on track in week 4 with a big 2–0 against the FrenZyy stack. On this team, the surprise of the season for me has been the high level of play they’ve gotten from their supports bloo and sexysteve on pos. 4 and 5 respectively.
5 USDanny (5–3) — Outside of a game 1 stomp courtesy of the Logical stack, the rest of their losses have been in almost hour long games and to top competition. The squad has adopted a high tempo run at you style thanks to greedy pos. 3 play from jd as well as high tempo early team fight pos. 4’s from sleepy. Rice boi drafting himself heroes that fight early has helped their carry Martin find space and get online for the late game.

Very Good Tier

6 Lala (6–2) — The last remaining undefeated team dropped both matches in week 4 thanks to a strong team effort from the Sasquatch stack. Has gotten themselves in a bit of trouble when their lanes don’t go to plan, but have gotten some extremely strong performances from EmperorOfAsia on pos. 1 who has farmed himself into the game on several occasions. In my opinion has the strongest strength of schedule at the midway point of the season.
7 CC (5–3)Alcatraz Swim Team playing on another high tier EST-SUN stack, shocker. Play a fairly heavy 4 protect 1, allowing Alc to play farm heavy late game heroes. actionjackson50 and killazoid have have a solid offlane partnership, having won 6 of 8 total lanes so far this season.
8 Mu (5–3) — Had the misfortune of playing the Trav2s stack when they got to use a real pos. 4 player for their captain, but outside of that week they’ve been extremely solid. Have showed a nice range of heroes as well as a return to form from washed up boomers Tokamak and Longoria. Mu has played a very solid “do shit” type of midlane hero for the majority of this season, letting his immortal carry get the space needed to hit enough creeps to win them the game late.
9 Econ (5–3) — Preseason worries included the Stang and Econ pos 2 and 3, but both have held their own and have even played at a very high level this season, especially Stang. The midlaner has managed to lose only 3 lanes in 8 matches despite playing against much higher mmr midlaners and 2 of those 2 lost lanes were in extremely unfavorable matchups, getting 22 pick countered. The Miyushi+Double King lane has come as advertised, going a ridiculous 8/8 in lanes won.
10 BobbyPMA (5–3) — Despite a relatively low strength of schedule, they’ve managed to grab games off the Matieu and USDanny stack in the last 2 weeks. Noobish has been the biggest reason for this teams success so far, playing at a level much higher than his draft position. The captain and their strong offlane duo of Happyhobo and Flanking have provided nice stability to the team.

Good Tier

11 Envi (5–3) — The Green stack is one of the most well rounded teams in EST-SUN this season. My biggest concern pre season was the lacking of a player that could 1v5 if needed, but Zamolxes has answered that call in a big way so far, playing at a level much higher than his badge. The support duo of warcraft and mikasa has played very well when they’re both available for the games.
12 Ecl9ipse (5–3) — This is Skkip’s team. The midlaners put in work this season, coming as advertised given his 6k+ mmr. Ecl9ipse has been fairly hot and cold this season, but that’s expected from a lower mmr carry for this division. This team will go as far as Skkip can carry them, but each of their players has put in a few good performances this season, they’re all just a bit hit or miss outside of Skkip.
13 Dark (4–4) — Much like the Sasquatch team, this team has played a bit of musical chairs this season with SSD, Dark, LTH, and Poncho. The flexibility of their lineup, their familiarity with each other as a team, and Dark’s ability to take control of games by himself make this team a very good team. Will give them a low end ranking due to them dropping teams I find below them. Also shout out to SSD’s Jakiro which has put up an impressive 4.93 (!) KDA in 3 games this season on pos. 5.
14 thamaestro (4–4)
— A bit like the Dark stack, I think this team has punched below their weight so far this season and I expect a better 2nd half of the season for them despite being still very much in the playoff race. All 4 of their losses this season have come from near herculean efforts from one player on the opposing team.
15 FrenZyy (4–4) — In my personal opinion a top 3 tricore in the division and outside of last weeks 0–2 to the Matieu stack where they came out ahead at the 15 minute mark both games and kind of fell apart afterwards, has been very impressive thus far this season. Unfortunately have 2 added losses to their record thanks to a forfeit. Of note, noted hero spammer and cancer hero pool boomer, FrenZyy, has played 5 different heroes in 6 games and has played Z E R O cheese picks so far.
16 ColonelSquid (4–4) — A team that has fallen since my last rankings due to a particularly disastrous performance against Econ team. Despite that has gotten back on track, splitting their series with Envi team. One issue I can see arising is the lack of vocalization against Squid’s questionable at times drafting seeing he picked a 22 meepo into the highest skilled support duo in the league. Nevertheless, this team boasts a high skilled tricore as well as two of the biggest over performing supports this season in SpaceDude and Wetpaint. I expect them to put their Econ series behind them and continue their good run of games.
17 bearcat0611 (5–3)
— Much like the Ecl9ipse team, this team relies on their midlaner, Alpha, to play at an extremely high level and so far he’s been elite this season. A big advantage this team has is the added flexibility Alpha has this season opposed to his last few rd2l seasons, showing a much wider range of heroes he can play at a high level in the midlane. That being said, this team isn’t just a 1 man show, regularly getting solid performances from bearcat and Charbz as well as having one of the better support duos in EST SUN of TheJohan and ForTheThrills.
18 Rusy (4–4) — Following in fellow high mmr midlaners going to the safelane, Rusy has transitioned well thus far and has put in huge performances from the sidelane. 1st round pick Remster has complimented Rusy very well this season, playing a wide range of heroes as well as being flexible enough to move into the sidelane if needed or stay mid. Turkey has been impressive thus far on pos 4 as well, playing well enough to tank several bans a game allowing his pos 1+2 the freedom to play their comfort heroes.
19 DJ Dingus (4–4) DJ Dingus has put up some huge performances playing brawling carries this season and I think this patch compliments their tricore very well. Lucky has gotten the bulk of target bans this season including a nearly every game pudge ban. Their support duo of AntiVirus and Runaway have been a particular high point for this team this season, putting in performances above their mmr, specifically Runaway from pos. 5.

Playoff Bubble Tier

20 W.Stealer (4–4) — The team has adopted the idea that the other team can’t target ban ALL their heroes, letting some comfort heroes get through every draft notably the Dbashore NP, Simple Leshrac, goldencookie tusk, W.Stealer Arc Warden. Unfortunately for the other team, you just simply cannot ban out Dr.Pizzakiller who has been playing extremely well for them this season, even getting some 1st phase bans used on his heroes which is a massive boost to a team that plays exponentially better on their comfort heroes.
21 goatsatan (4–4) — The FooSquash stack has finally pulled themselves back to an even record after starting the season 1–3. Thanks to a strong 1+2 combo of FooSquash and BuyingOnions, this team is primed to make a stong playoff push in the 2nd half of the season. Backing up the 1+2 combo, Talus, goatsatan, and resident boomer nuttypizza make up a strong 3–5 and leave little weaknesses in their lineup. I look forward to finally being able to place this team higher in these rankings after the next few weeks.
22 doss (4–4) — Obligatory 22/44 ranking to reflect their ability to only 1–1. I think this team has galaxy brained themselves out of drafts a few times this season, such as putting one of the lowest mmr support duos in the league on wisp+bara and 21 picking a mid batrider when their pos 3–5’s don’t deal any damage as well as the seasonal hamfisted non 22 pick huskar for Chester where he inevitably gets counter picked to shit and puts up a questionable scoreline. Regardless, this team is still a playoff team for me and I believe in the skill of their tricore to have a strong 2nd half of the season.
23 Bestpinoza (3–5) — This team has genuinely snatched defeat from the jaws of victory in 3 of their 5 losses this season. With added time together and some more games under their belt to get used to apex yelling at them I think this team can have a solid 2nd half to the season and push for a playoff spot despite the rough start. Gio has played extremely well thus far given he’s not a pure midlaner and Jett has put in some massive performances from the 4 position.
24 Wizard of Chaos (4–4)
— The biggest question for me going into the season was how well would the safelane of HerrSchinken and Shmurda perform, but both have put in some solid performances this season. Mattador has been the MVP for me so far, playing extremely well in his return to the midlane. Much like the Econ safelane, the offlane 6k duo of Alaska and Wizard has played extremely well and has helped out their dual offrole core duo out this season by aping around the map in classic Wizard fashion.
25 AcidRain (3–5) —May 31, 2020, this team got the monkey off their back and FINALLY won a game of dota together on a sunday. Before then they were a combined 0–5, only winning a game off a rulebook. Another well balanced team that potentially lacks some carry potential in the late game between their 1+2, but is balanced out by their overall high mmr. Despite being the only non divine on the team, Princess has put in some solid games on her pos. 5 (even though I watched him go level 1 heal on WD…. hmmmm)
26 DrSteel (4–4) — Memes aside I think this is a strong team who should contend for a playoff spot as well as potentially move up a few tiers in the next coming weeks. This weeks matchup pins them friend stack vs friend stack which should be a close affair. Like the team they play this week, this lineup doesn’t really have a weakness except maybe lacking the raw skill to matchup to a team with a 6k+ player on it.
27 Reedy (4–4)Sonnegod Sadboy holding it down and playing at a top level in the division from the position 1. Reedy as well has punched way above his weight this season playing a very impressive pos. 2 given his mmr disadvantage to the midlaners he faces week in week out. Unfortunately this team has the mmr anchor known as subject dota. Luckily for them though, he’s playing above the level he did last season and has even had a few games that justify his 6k mmr.
28 Quantum Jojo (4–4) — The StankTrain is here and absolutely crushing fools. This team is very well rounded, additionally getting big contributions from their Madcus from the 5 position. Ribs, cynicuLL, and Quantum Jojo round out their 1,3,4 positions nicely and if they play around their midlaner well I think this team can be a dark horse team going into playoffs.
29 Fume (4–4) — I do not know where to rank this team. This team is the strangest team I’ve seen in my 5 seasons of rd2l. After nearly disbanding after week 1, the team got back on track going 3–1 in the following weeks only to WIN game 1 last week and have their position 3 rage quit post W I N (???) into a game 2 loss with a standin. Bitterra and Fume have combined to be a solid 1+2 combo and they’ve gotten a lot of help from their support duo, who after some growing pains, have been playing very well the past few weeks.
30 Captain Pepega (4–4) — Like many of the 4–4 teams in this division, this stack is very well rounded. Unlike a few of the other stacks though, I believe Wax is skilled enough to go toe to toe with anyone in the division despite being a washed up boomer. However, they get an unfavorable ranking due to their very favorable matchups this season.
31 Sebastian (3–5) — After 3 weeks of VERY unfortunate matchups, this team finally got tossed a bone, matching up against 1–5 Calamity and they took the series in a fairly straightforward 2–0. Minicolt has been elite as expected. Cam and GeneralEnder have had up and down performances, but are consistent enough to get this team going in the right direction in the 2nd half of the season. A big issue for me is the support duo thus far as well as the lack of continuity due to players not showing up the last 2 weeks.
32 7EMPEST (3–5) — Rivaling the Wizard of Chaos offlane, the Alpaca+Master offlane has been insanely good this season. Master has played well as a position 4, but I don’t think he’s performing as well as he would if he was playing 1 or 2 for this team unfortunately. Alpaca though has put in some insane performances, almost solo carrying them in several of their matches from the offlane.
33 Iceyeti (3–5) — Despite regularly solid performances from Izumi and Iceyeti, the rest of the team just can’t get quite consistent enough to grab a few more wins. They’ve had some extremely close losses this season which is a good sign for a 2nd half comeback, but I worry that the losses are piling up and the team might just collapse under the tilt.

Playoff Longshot Tier

34 Kira (3–5) Aqua. Road. Unfortunately outside of a handful of performances, outside of Aqua Road, the rest of the team just can’t get on his level week in week out and he is stuck having to pull a lot of weight for his team in order to get a win. This spells doom for the team especially when Aqua Road struggles in lane because I think his biggest deficiency as a player is his ability (or inability) to recover when behind after laning phase which compounds if his sidelanes do poorly.
35 agony (3–5) — The friend stack finds itself in the bottom half of these rankings, but can easily climb in the coming weeks despite missing their captain, agony, to a vacation during quarantine … hmm… This team has a solid tricore, but I just think they’re a bit too one dimensional with their playstyle and hero pools for me to rank super highly. agony is a great carry, but is generally very greedy and farm heavy which can be difficult to play around at times.
36 Brightside (3–5) — Brightside mid pepelaugh. Although despite getting extremely high value and play out of their 3+4 combo of Kizu and Pur3Extacide, this team has been struggling to find wins. Getting out of lanes in a good spot has been the norm for this team, only finding themselves in a networth disadvantage in 2 of their 8 games at 10 minutes, but they struggle from minute 10–20 and generally lose their lead one way or another.
37 The Clamburglar (3–5) — After a rough week 0+1, this team has started to find its footing, grabbing a win in each of their last 3 weeks including some wins against some solid teams. Despite boasting a mid ancient+immortal offlane duo, I can’t rank this team higher due to their lack of mmr in their safelane despite colin performing very well relative to his badge. Their playoff chances I think rest on his shoulders as in their wins he’s been immense, going 15–6, 10–2, 10–1, but in games they’ve lost he’s struggled.
38 INSANE CORNDOG (2–6) — Ranking a Prohibit team is always a coinflip at best. This team much like the Bestpinoza team, has managed to grab defeat from the jaws of victory on more than one occasion this season. Also of note they’ve regularly had to use 1–2 standins this season for their matches, very rarely having their full 5. Lemon has been playing at an insanely high level so far this season from carry and if they can get their late game team fights under control they can turn the season around and make playoffs.
39 Voldrox (2–6) — This team is a good example of why I lobbied to implement a high mmr support adjustment, there’s genuinely only so much Voldrox can impact the game from pos. 4, having a kill participation of 78/82 in their 2 wins. Hype is a very good pos. 1, but there’s times where he just runs out of space to farm on the farm heavy cores he drafts for himself. The biggest wildcard in the league perhaps though is iTz-Pat, who regularly plays RUST during their matches for fuck knows reason and can be just the absolute strangest person I’ve met at times.
41 Calamity (1–7)Sickboy unfortunately has been very hot and cold this season and when he’s not having a great game can spell disaster for this team as the safelane duo of Bowie and Gotne, despite having familiarity with eachother from playing with each other last season, can just get out mmr’d in lane sometimes this season in a much higher mmr division.
40 avgpeen (3–5) — Vinny god. Homeskillit has had some very solid games from pos 3 as well as Oscillation from the midlane, but the pair haven’t been consistent enough to warrant a higher ranking here though. A nice week off should help them get back and try to push for playoffs though, but they’re going to need some big performances out of a player not named Vinny.
42 Tiramisu (2–6) — After forfeiting their game 2 this past week, this team looks to be on the path of the BMTS team. Bambino has been the stand out player this season for them, putting in several big performances from the midlane on a myriad of heroes, smashing the idea that he’s a shit hero puddler. Outside of Bambino though, the team is lacking identity as they’ve swapped roles several times in the first half of the season and haven’t quite gotten a combination that works for them yet.

Smol PP Tier

43 BMTS (PepeHands) — PepeHands
44 Trav2s (7–1) —Won’t rank my team as I may be a bit biased. Mirage has been absolutely lights out this season, putting in huge performances from the midlane game in game out. The offlane duo of Trav2s and ghost started the season a bit shakey, but ghost has had a very solid last 2 weeks. Perhaps due to getting a week 3 break from the Trav2s pos. 4 feed train. Much like the Calamity safelane, the Trav2s safelane can sometimes get out mmr’d in lane, but Jerry has done a really good job getting what he can out of the lane and leaving lane if need be.




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