Disclaimer: this ended up being way too long. If you read any of it just please read the bolded paragraph.
I wanted to make this post to introduce myself as your new admin for season 21 along with GSKW. Most of you won’t care, but I will be playing PST this season. EST-SUN was admined by a non EST-SUN player a few seasons back and that admin didn’t end up playing EST-SUN. It felt very strange as a player and there was a fairly big disconnect between the admins and the player base that season, so I’d like to not repeat that and hope to create an environment where its not admins/mods vs the playerbase.
Anyways, I also just wanted to touch on a few things about the discord and how I’ve ran EST-SUN in the past. I’m generally pretty lax on moderation and am an avid shitposter myself, but there’s definitely a time and a place for everything. This isn’t an official rule list or anything, but it’s something I will be actively trying to root out of any discord I’m moderating.
- No racism/hate speech— pretty easy to follow, zero tolerance.
- No NSFW — kind of just standard discord rules along with the no hate speech stuff
- Just don’t be a shithead — There’s obviously a lot of discretion here and this isn’t the greatest way to word anything, but seriously, this is all I can ask of people in a community discord. If you see people having a conversation regarding a serious topic don’t go out of your way to troll or get under someone’s skin or whatever. I understand not everyone likes each other, but you don’t need to go out of your way to harass/irritate someone you don’t like.
These are genuinely my only rules.
Obviously these rules leave a lot of a grey area and that will get reduced once the league as a whole releases discord rules in the next few weeks, but these are just in general what I try to moderate in discord. Discord should be a place where the community comes together and talks amongst each other and makes friends. Again you don’t have to like everyone in discord and you won’t, but you need to be respectful to everyone.
Despite my “rules” being pretty bareboned I do take moderating seriously and if anyone has any issues with how me or any of the other admins are handling discord please let me know about it. If you feel that we are doing a poor job, hold me accountable. If you’re upset with anything please let me know. I hope everyone can feel that the admins are approachable because any and all feedback is good and appreciated on our end.
Anyways, I look forward to meeting everyone throughout the season. If you guys have any questions, ideas, or whatever feel free to dm me or @ me in discord.