Final Four Edition

4 min readAug 12, 2020

Hey PST friends. I’ve made weekly content since season 16 outside of an extremely burnt out season 18 for me where I barely played dota and chainfed weekly in my rd2l matches. Last season I started writing content instead of twitch shows because it was easier for me to pump out content at any time of day and not having to plan with others to make content, also talking with others is scary. Barring some unforeseen event this next semester for school I’ll be bringing my weekly MVP’s to PST for this upcoming season. :) If you haven’t read any of my content before I’ll be going back and reviewing the final 4 of the PST intra playoffs. Keep in mind im a 3k shitlord who doesn’t watch any of the games so don’t flame me too much for my picks.

Itachi (1) 2–1 polo5885 (13)

Game 1 MVP
Reggie (8–2–13 pos. 3 Dark Seer)
Along with his pos. 4 Undying played by Pango Unchained, shut down the opposing safelane, racking up 6 kills combined in the first 12 minutes of the match as the Itachi team was able to grab a networth lead early into the game and held it throughout the 32 minute match. Despite a fairly low kill score between both teams, Reggie managed to not die in the last 22 minutes of the game as well as providing big teamfight impact on his Dark Seer for a fairly straightforward game 1 win.
Game 2 MVP
Polo5885 (7–1–7 pos. 2 Magnus)
The captain returned for game 2, returning from an unfortunate power outage (I think?) before game 1 and made his mark on the series, helping his team even it up at 1 a piece. Was an integral part of his team's ability to shut down the Itachi Anti-Mage as well as doing normal magnus things such as flash farming and buffing his carry.
Game 3 MVP
Itachi (7–3–9 pos. 2 Invoker)
In the deciding game, Itachi rose to the occasion and was able to show up for his team and help them to a game 3 and series win. The captain did a goo job recovering from a fairly rough mid game that saw grab a few kills, but also die twice within the span of 2 minutes between minutes 17–19. However, all of his teammates put up strong performances as well, notably doomcow’s flawless 7–0 slark and DontBanTheMan’s 4–2–15 Jakiro.

ForTheSwarm (2) 2–0 StonedSpirit (14)


Game 1 MVP
Tx (8–9–20 pos. 5 Snapfire)
Generally in RD2L, if your pos 5 can be in the top half on the damage chart, you’re probably going to win and that was the case this game. A classic Rd2l throw that included a 14k gold swing prevented the StonedSpirit team from grabbing a game 1 victory despite taking a 29 minute racks. The support duo of Tx and yolk provided a huge boost for their team as they contributed to the majority of their teams kills, specifically a 78% kill participation from Tx.

PST truly is the cursed division, what in the fuck is this….

Game 2 MVP
Burrahobbit (12–3–17 pos. 2 Arc Warden)
I genuinely don’t want to cover a game that featured a 1st phase techies, 23 pick Arc, and a 24 pick brood. Unfortunately, here I am. Much like game 1, the ForTheSwarm team managed to win a fight that came with a 12k gold swing. Almost occuring at the same time as the 12k gold swing fight in game 1, the FTS team used this to press their advantage and take brood late enough to win a drawn out game 2.

Itachi (1) 2–0 ForTheSwarm (2)

Oh nonononononoooooooooooooooooooooooo

Game 1 MVP
Pango Unchained (4–1–18 pos. 4 Zeus)
Continuing his strong run of form these playoffs, the 4 player managed only 1 death this match despite being a high damage, squishy support having to play against a Sand King and a Nature’s Prophet. Much like the ForTheSwarm team’s semi final matches, this came with a giga throw as they got teamwiped trying to break the Itachi team high ground.
Game 2 MVP
Itachi (15–1–17 pos. 2 Void Spirit)
K 1 N G. The FTS team was unable to recover from a heartbreaking game 1 and came out flat in game 2, being at nearly a 4k net worth disadvantage at just 11 minutes. The Itachi team was able to win 2 of their lanes very hard and their spectre was able to farm as his team ran around the map killing off the enemy team. The game mercifully came to an end at the 29 minute mark and finished with a kill score of 42–8, 15 of those coming from Itachi’s Void Spirit.




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