PST-SUN Post Draft Power Rankings

I genuinely have no idea what I’m doing Edition

5 min readAug 31, 2020

Dear god please take these rankings with a grain of salt. I know like 30 players in this pool on a good day.

  1. Trav2s Team — Can’t not rank my own team 1st. I need to force Aqua Road to quit runescape so he can grind himself back to 6k mmr. BobbyPMA also needs to stop pretending and get himself back to divine. If these 2 can get back to form and ZombiesExpert plays a solid pos 3, I can see my team doing super well this season.
  2. Minicolt TeamUSDanny mid backed by an ex 7k carry, literally cannot go wrong. This is Pipi team lite with an immortal support turned offlaner and a 7k carry.
  3. toth Teamapex was good enough to basically solo carry his team to round 2 of EST-SUN playoffs last season. Sleepy should be an under the radar good midlaner this season and gives this team a 24 pick cheese threat.
  4. Jerracabra Team Anbokr and Jerracabra is a super good 1–2 and Staples is going to end up being one of the best pos. 4’s in the division in my opinion. Jerry offlane is a bit meh but if Anbokr gets some space, they’ll win some games.
  5. DoomCow33 Team — Can DoomCow return to the finals despite a MASSIVE downgrade from Itachi in Joric in the midlane this season? Zoompa and Bsv should be a strong offlane combo as well.
  6. Burgeoning Team — Hard to rank the team with a top 3 midlaner in the division anywhere out of the top 10 teams. I think they’re going to have a bit of role issues, but gronaldo should put them in position to win every game by himself so they’ll be a solid playoff team in my opinion.
  7. Waifu Team — LOVE Waifu. Based on the Lane pick I’m assuming Waifu plays 1 this season, but it shouldn’t matter too much as waifu is super versatile and he’ll have a strong tricore along with Edd.
  8. Burrahobbit Team — MMR wise this team is sick. Miyushi-Badger will be the highest mmr safelane in the division most likely. Badger’s a bit rusty, but when given space he can definitely hit creeps well. Miyushi lost 1 lane in 24 games last season in EST-SUN so if she can continue that form I’m sure Badger will do fine.
  9. Zend Team Grace-George combo is lowkey very good. Overall just an all around solid team. Grace should just auto win some games with a 24 pick occasionally as well.
  10. Rice Boi Team — Rounding out the top 10 is probably the best midlaner in the division in Rice Boi. Bit of a pretender in his offlane in CringeCast, but Rice Boi will end up outplaying a good portion of midlaners in the division this season.
  11. Ecl9ipse Team — People saw Freightrain’s rd2l history and got turned off, but he fuckin owns. Debatably has gotten grief picked in each of his last 3 seasons. I think Ecl9ipse is playing 1 here which is meh mmr wise, but Avenos in the offlane should be solid and Freight is a beast.
  12. thrillhouse Teamthrillhouse-deadprez will be one of the better 3/4 combos in the division and emu mmr wise is one of the higher midlaners in the division. Leaving your 3rd and 4th round picks to be your safelane is a bit scary, but I think Carn is good value in the 3rd round for a pos. 1.
  13. Fallen Team — I really like this team actually and should probably rank them higher, but I’ve already written the rankings so I won’t change it. Pengi-Fallen-Rhyzers is a sick tricore and their support duo is very solid as well. Might have trouble against teams with a 6k+, but a solid team overall.
  14. Mags Team — I purposefully put this team at the exact middle of the rankings because I’m sure this team either implodes by week 2 or meshes really well together and does great. Not sure really…
  15. TheMantis Team — Not sure who plays mid on this team, but Hell Yeah is a high mmr carry in a carry patch and this team has no large weakness and a good mix of mmrs.
  16. doofgod Team — I think Bambino is best suited for mid especially in Rd2l and he’ll be the pos 1 for this team I believe. Although I don’t think that’s the best, I think this team is really good still and probably very underrated in these rankings.
  17. Reggie Team — Don’t care roles, care mmr 8) I think this team will almost entirely be playing offrole, but it’s filled with solid players so they SHOULD end up okay.
  18. FlyingNightmare Team — Uhhhhhhh Much like the Reggie team I do not know what roles this team ends up playing, I think FN is playing pos. 1 ? Regardless, FN is very high mmr so will be able to solo carry games throughout the season.
  19. Charbz Team — I think getting Diglett where he got him is a great pick and Katyusha fell a decent amount, but is a support main so sort of understandable. Only big worry for me is their safelane being the 2 lowest mmrs in the current patch.
  20. Be_SwiFT Team — This team just looks solid all around. Their lowest mmr is Legend 5 which is solid.
  21. CRAP TeamAug is washed. StonedSpirit-Woh were solid pickups though, but not sure if it will be enough to carry deadweight Aug to a strong season.
  22. Vuvu Team — I really like Chowmains and I think he’s a super value 1st pick for vuvu, but Choco is VERY washed up and the heelies pick was probably too much of a reach for me to really like this team.
  23. Phoenix Team — I’m not sure what happened during the draft with this team, I just remember each pick taking 15 minutes. Regardless, 7:30 is really fuckin good so this team should be decent.
  24. Neku Team Pressure is really good, but I’m not sure how much he plays anymore, so I’m not sure how this team will do this season if he doesn’t play up to how he’s played in previous seasons.
  25. Moca Team — I’m pretty sure his 1st 2 picks were supports which usually is a recipe for disaster in RD2L, but moca himself is a very good player so this team shouldn’t be that bad. Ashen is also a very valuable pick in the 3rd round to play a core role for this team.
  26. 50 Shades of Zika Team— This team doesn’t actually look that bad on paper. Charkhil-Ripley is a solid offlane, but vktr-java I think are going to have issues against the high immortals in the division as I think vktr is a 3 main playing mid? Not sure to be honest.
  27. Zesty Memes for Asian Tweens Team— Love Garda, do not love his team this season. Garda is super flexible, but their 3rd round pick is a legend mid only, so I’m worried this team puts Garda carry and puts a legend mid.
  28. PrinceMeerkat92 Team — After winning PST-SUN, Itachi is given his true test.




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