General Rules
5 divisions will be made (more may be added in the future) Each division will be the capped at an average TEAM mmr. Teams above that cap will be moved into the division above.
The division breakdown is
3k MMR team average
MMR floor of 2k MMR
MMR ceiling of 4k MMR
4k MMR team average
MMR floor of 3k MMR
MMR ceiling of 5k MMR
5k MMR team average
MMR floor of 4k MMR
MMR ceiling of 5.8k MMR
6k MMR team average
MMR floor of 5k MMR
MMR ceiling of 6.8k MMR
Uncapped MMR
No MMR floor/ceiling for any players, but only teams who are above 6.2k average may sign up
Teams may have players below the MMR floor of a division, those players will be adjusted to the MMR floor of the division.
A soft player cap will be afforded to the teams signing up for the 6k MMR bracket. This means that a player above the 6.8k MMR ceiling may sign up on a team in the 6k bracket, however, their team will be unable to sign up at the MMR cap for the 6k bracket and must have an MMR lower than 5,900 MMR. This rule will not apply to the 4k and 5k divisions as they will have a hard MMR cap.
The average MMR of a team must be below the division MMR at sign up as well as a week before matches start. MMR’s of players will be checked when the activity check goes live to make sure teams are still within the constraints of their respective division. Any players with unusual match history will be subject to admin review.
All games will be played on US East server, unless both teams agree to play on US West.
Teams will be placed randomly in groups. Group stage games will be a best-of-two series. After group stages, the matches will become best-of-three series until completing with a best-of-five finals.
- This is a team league. We only accept full, 5 man team sign-ups, no individual or incomplete team sign-ups.
- All signups will be reviewed by an admin.
- Participants must sign up with their main account. This account may not be used by any other player for the duration of the season.
- Participants are required to use the Steam account provided at the time of sign-ups when playing any RD2L game.
- 500 wins on the account must have been played on the account by the player who is signing up.
- Participants must alert the admins if their rank does not accurately reflect their skill level, or if they have alternate accounts they regularly use. Admins may adjust a participants rank to be more accurate in these situations.
- Before registering, players are required to turn “Expose Public Match Data” on in the Dota 2 client > Settings > Options > Profile as well as re-parse any hidden data on dotabuff/opendota.
- Players are not required to keep match data public for the remainder of the season, only until the teams are accepted after the activity check.
- Admins will be watching for accounts that have unusual match history. Those accounts may be removed at the discretion of the admins. Since there are various ways this rule can be violated, any other punishment will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
- When a team is missing a player and requires a stand-in, they must formally request one in the stand-in channel in discord, listing the dotabuff of their missing player and the dotabuff of the player they would like to use as a stand-in, they must @ their division admin and opposing captain for that week as well.
- If a team is missing one of their players, the team is eligible to use a stand-in for this player.
- The standin must have been the same mmr or lower (according to adjusted mmr for players that were adjusted) at the time of the scheduled match.
- Any standin may be used if both captains agree or via admin discretion.
- If the missing player is below the mmr floor of the division, that team may use any mmr up to and including the mmr floor to replace that player.
- Teams may use 2 stand-ins per match.
- If a team needs three stand-ins in order to play, they must forfeit the match.
- If a captain believes a stand-in is not fair, they can report it to their division admin for a ruling.
- If an admin discovers that a player used an unauthorized stand-in after the matches have been completed, the admin may retroactively award a forfeit for any games the unauthorized player played in.
Replacing players
- Teams may replace 1 roster player per season. This player can be any MMR given the team as a whole still fits under the division’s MMR average.
- The uncapped division will have a roster lock before week 0. No roster moves will be allowed for the duration of the season.