Immortal Support Adjustments
Draft Position — 5th pick of round 2, 49th overall (Econ Team)
#27–32 in player pool
Position played this season: 5
Highest mmr on team? No
Regular season record: 8–8
If Miyushi were to not have been adjusted, the Econ team would draft
round 3: 23rd, 5 above their original 18th pick
round 4: 39th, 2 above their original 37th pick
Draft Position — 33rd overall (Wizard of Chaos Team)
#27–32 in player pool
Position played this season: 4
Highest mmr on team? No (was highest at the end of the season, but at draft was lower)
Regular season record: 8–8
If Alaska were to not have been adjusted, the Wizard of Chaos team would draft
round 2: 37th, No change
round 3: 37th, No change
round 4: 43rd, No change
Captain, drafted 40th
Position played this season: 2
Highest mmr on team? Yes
Regular season record: 7–9
If Brightside were to not have been adjusted, the Brightside team would draft
round 1: 40th, No change (would have coin flipped between picks 40–42)
round 2: 44th, No change (last pick kekw)
round 3: 36th, 1 above their original 35th pick
round 4: 40th, 4 above their original 36th pick
Captain, drafted 27th
Position played this season: 4
Highest mmr on team? Yes (I think hype ended up passing him at the end, but was drafted highest)
Regular season record: 5–11
If Voldrox were to not have been adjusted, the Voldrox team would draft
round 1: 27th, No Change (would have coin flipped between picks 27–31)
round 2: 32nd, No change (could have been 33rd depending on original flip)
round 3: 31st, 2 above their original 29th pick
round 4: 33rd, 1 above their original 32nd pick
Thoughts: I still stand by my original thoughts on adjusting immortal supports. Only 1 of these teams had their highest mmr player be an immortal support and that was Brightside’s team, who just narrowly missed playoffs. Voldrox team, despite having an absolute grief iTz-Pat midlane for 2/3 of the season, is a good example of a team who’s highest mmr is on a support role and they just can’t quite close out games no matter how impactful he ends up being in the game.
I added the “highest mmr on team?” part to emphasize my reasoning as to why it was implemented in the first place and why I proposed an immortal cutoff. Some of the immortals were on teams where they weren’t the highest mmr, as some divine supports would be in other, non stacked divisions, and those teams did fine and made playoffs. However, the teams where the highest mmr player was a support or a core who mains support those teams both missed playoffs. These stats aren’t cherry picked for just this season, every season that I’ve played in (S15–20) showed that when your highest mmr player is a support that your team was most likely missing playoffs.
These are the “stats” I had when I kept bringing it up all the time in RD2L main when we were discussing the adjustment originally, but never knew a good time to release/show others. Totaling out these numbers, from seasons 15–19, 71% of teams who’s highest mmr is a support main misses playoffs. These stats aren’t the best because of how little amount of teams actually have a support as their highest mmr, but there’s enough data with my research into EST+Treebeard’s research into PST alone to deduce that there’s a trend. I don’t want to make RD2L easy for support mains, but make it so that they don’t consistently have a 1/4 disband rate, or miss playoffs almost 70% of the time in a league where over 50% of teams make playoffs in each division.
This season is actually an outlier compared to the others as 50% of teams with an adjusted support made playoffs, up 21%!!
The Brightside Conundrum
So I mentioned earlier that Brightside would have had a coin flip with 2 other captains had he were to not be adjusted. Those 2 captains were Dark and Logical. In my opinion, you’re out of your mind if you’re taking Brightside over either in RD2L.
Dark finished this season 10–6 with a 5.40 kda as well as a 575 GPM average and 601 XPM average.
Logical finished this season 10–6 with a 6.67 kda as well as a 641 GPM average and 686 XPM average.
Brightside finished this season 7–9 with a 3.60 kda as well as a 437 GPM average and 570 XPM average.
This isn’t supposed to be a Brightside flame section, but its hard to say that Brightside should be drafted at the same value as Dark and Logical, despite their mmr’s being similar. Sure Brightside is a very smart dota player and you could even argue the smartest in RD2L, but its hard to translate that knowledge in game to players who are lower skilled than he and when he has to play off role on heroes that are VERY off meta (mid raptor anyone?) or something he just isn’t comfortable on (ember, OD).
Hopefully this doesn’t come off too much as badmin defending badmin over decision that effects badmin.
“Other” Adjustments
Aqua Road
This wasn’t an adjustment, just moving his main account mmr (divine 4 draft) to match his smurf mmr (6k).
Draft Position — 18th pick of round 2, 62nd Overall (USDanny Team)
T-116th in player pool
Position played this season: 3
Regular season record: 10–6
If JD were to not have been adjusted, the USDanny team would draft:
round 3: 1st, No change
round 4: 6th, 6 above their original 12th pick.
Draft Position — 1st pick of round 2, 45th overall (Reedy Team)
#9–13 in player pool
Position played this season: 3
Regular season record: 7–9
If Subject were to not have been adjusted, the Reedy team would draft:
round 3: 24th, 3 above their original 21st pick,
round 4: 38th, 9 above their original 29th pick.
Thoughts: I have no idea what to do with Subject next season… KDA isn’t the be all end all, but 2 seasons ago his KDA was 3.98, last season was 2.32, and this season was a WHOPPING 2.11. That’s a 6k mmr core with a lower KDA than his own teams 4+5 supports. We adjusted him down last season and adjusted him further down this season and next season logic points to a further adjustment, but at what point is it too much?
Chester’s Hot Fries
Draft Position — 35th pick of round 2, 79th overall (doss Team)
#27–32 in player pool
Position played this season: 2
Regular season record: 8–8
If Chester’s Hot Fries were to not have been adjusted, the doss team would draft
round 3: 43rd, No change
round 4: 40th, 1 pick above their original 39th pick
Thoughts: This was BY FAR my most questionable adjustment in my opinion and if people weren’t so up in arms about the support adjustment I’m sure I would’ve gotten grief for this.
Draft Position — 16th pick of round 3, 104th overall (BMTS Team)
T-116th in player pool
Position played this season: 5
Regular season record: 0–16 (0–4 -> disband)
If JBay7 were to not have been adjusted, the BMTS team would draft:
round 4: 3rd, 5 above their original 8th pick.
Thoughts: There’s really not much to add to a team that disbanded after week 2. I think this adjustment was fine as it’s well known by now that JBay doesn’t actively work on his mmr and spends most of his time on dota playing inhouses+unranked+smurfing.
Draft Position — 11th overall (Tiramisu Team)
#9–13 in player pool
Position played this season: 2, 4
Regular season record: 2*–14 (2 forfeit wins, so 0 “real” wins)
Thoughts: In hindsight this player definitely should have been apart of the support mmr adjustment. He keeps up a near 50/50 split of support+core games, but the majority of his ranked games+solo queue are on support and most of his core games are in unranked and unranked party queue.
When deciding who to/to not adjust I saw the 50/50 split and aired on the side of caution, but a further look shows he should have been apart of the support adjustments and that’s on me.
I’m aware just changing the adjustment on players and redrafting the exact same draft is pretty pepeg and not really reflective on anything. I wanted to show 2 things with redrafting using the same picks for every team.
- For players who were adjusted down: where teams would draft if they chose to draft a player at their original draft value (say an immortal 38 core over a 37.3 immortal support)
- For players who were adjusted up: where teams would draft if they were not adjusted, assuming they would be deemed even more valuable at their original mmr, so for example JD at 26 instead of 24.